
Sorry wouldn’t normally put her on the timeline but this might be the most insane thing j k rowlings ever written
If someone started talking to me about this in a social situation I would be wholly preoccupied with finding a way to escape from that situation
"I cannot overstate how little he wanted to talk about this." Yeah, no shit.
I think anyone who hears the word "penised" used in a conversation will be looking for the exits
Is that a term transphobes routinely use, or did she invent that?
That’s why I didn’t look it up!
*opens private tab* I find uses from Glinner and Mumsnet going back to 2021, and hardly anywhere else. "Bepenised" from similar sources goes back at least to 2017.
This is pedantic, but "penised" and especially "bepenised" sound like they're describing someone who magically acquired a penis -- which I think is the opposite of what the transphobes are saying.
I can see what you mean about "bepenised", but I don't think it holds for "penised"— any more than if a bird was called a "striped warbler" it would mean it had acquired the stripes.
Yes, but "penis" isn't a verb while "stripe" can be, and "penised" suggests agency while "striped" is merely descriptive. I think this is an exchange that neither you nor I ever imagined we would have.
Fair point. And yes :) I think most nouns in English can be used as verbs as necessary, though TBF if I'd heard someone say "penised" I'd have guessed it meant they were receiving one in quite a different way.