
I think that the people who ignored or yelled at those who pointed out that A LOT of voters thought Biden was too old for another term should do some self-reflection but I don't think they will have the humility to do so.
I got so much shit on here when I voiced that concern, and pointed out it doesn’t seem like there’s a real plan for what to do if he, say, drops dead before the election
I’m really uneasy with how they have relegated Harris to the background. His odds are about even to survive the term, if he wins it. They should be running together as a team. I also think she should announce who her VP would be ‘just in case’ and all 3 of them should be the face of the campaign.
There is no world where Harris saying, the death(/debilitation) of the top of the ticket is so probable that I'm running with a non-binding promise to appoint this other person as my VP but not invoking the 25th amendment is a good political move.
Maybe, but if the electorate and media are already treating the first part as a given, might as well lean in and get some upside benefit to it. These are strange times. I think a lot of people would have said “no way that would happen” on the SCOTUS ruling yesterday, but here we are.
It's a lose-lose. The two best options which would rely on the integrity of politicians(lol) would be for Kamala to invoke the 25th and run. Or for Biden to resign the presidency and Kamala becomes President but claims that taking on the Presidency will be her primary focus and won't run...
The problem is Kamala is tainted by Biden's aging as well as is his entire administration that has been lying to us for a year atleast