
I think that the people who ignored or yelled at those who pointed out that A LOT of voters thought Biden was too old for another term should do some self-reflection but I don't think they will have the humility to do so.
I got so much shit on here when I voiced that concern, and pointed out it doesn’t seem like there’s a real plan for what to do if he, say, drops dead before the election
I saw it happen over and over again.
I’m really uneasy with how they have relegated Harris to the background. His odds are about even to survive the term, if he wins it. They should be running together as a team. I also think she should announce who her VP would be ‘just in case’ and all 3 of them should be the face of the campaign.
Not only is this smart forethought, but it also signals that they have a plan and a candidate and VP ready to go if Joe does die before we get to vote!
There is no mechanism making Harris the candidate if he dies. Like, I see people assuming this a lot, but this is not a situation there’s a law ready and waiting for. I think she’d have to be chosen at the DNC, and probably some states would still refuse to put her on the ballot
True. She just seems like the most realistic option if the October surprise ends up being a funeral. The GOP would make legal challenges galore for sure. I’d like to think the Democrats are planning for those too, but obviously they are not.
I think she is the most realistic alternative, I just don’t think any nominee switching is actually realistic at this point
…this seems like it should be a bigger deal in the news than it has been??
Yeah but Republicans writing laws for anti democratic purposes is just background radiation now
There is no world where Harris saying, the death(/debilitation) of the top of the ticket is so probable that I'm running with a non-binding promise to appoint this other person as my VP but not invoking the 25th amendment is a good political move.
Maybe, but if the electorate and media are already treating the first part as a given, might as well lean in and get some upside benefit to it. These are strange times. I think a lot of people would have said “no way that would happen” on the SCOTUS ruling yesterday, but here we are.
It's a lose-lose. The two best options which would rely on the integrity of politicians(lol) would be for Kamala to invoke the 25th and run. Or for Biden to resign the presidency and Kamala becomes President but claims that taking on the Presidency will be her primary focus and won't run...
The problem is Kamala is tainted by Biden's aging as well as is his entire administration that has been lying to us for a year atleast
So here’s a question: What would the Republicans do if that happens to Trump? Given his age and health (arguably worse that Biden’s), it’s really just as likely to happen. Given the stranglehold he has on the GOP (see the platform discussions), it seems even less likely they have a plan.
True. He doesn’t even have a running mate yet! But you know, not my problem
Oh, yeah, just musing on what would happen. That day is coming soon and there seems to be complete denial in the party discourse. He’s completely reshaped the party around him. What happens to the cult of personality when that the personality dies?
Avatar If a candidate dies before the convention, it's kind of a delegate free-for all. If after the convention, a different kind of free-for-all (state laws re: delegates vary). If between election & confirmation, VP-elect becomes president-elect (per the 20th Amendment).
State laws and party rules on replacing a presidential nominee, Ballotpedia: The Encyclopedia of American Politics
I meant more of a philosophical question of who they are and who would be their actual leader (not just a delegate vote getter), but, yes, that too.
Oh, like who would get the votes if DJT finally descends to Hell? Considering how many tries it took to get a goddamn living speaker of the house, I hope you have electrolytes, snacks, and energy drinks on hand because that fractured coalition is going to be the MESSIEST damn party.