
There is a new report claiming that observed declines in youth #mentalhealth since 2012 is due to the rise of #socialmedia. I don’t often criticise research online, but given the escalating policy discussions & public concern I think it’s important to unpack this further 🧵 1/9
The research uses Australian HILDA data to describe trends in self-reported mental health from 2001-2022 by age & sex. Findings highlight declines in MH for 15-24yr olds (compared to 25+ yrs) since ~2012 especially so for females. 2/9
This trend is clearly very concerning & warrants unpacking. The authors claim this trend coincides with the launch of Instagram & Snapchat and therefore associates social media as the main driver impacting youth MH. Yet social media data was not included in any analysis. 3/9
Do I think social media plays a role in youth MH? Maybe. The existing data that has looked into this relationship is very mixed. It depends on population groups & what MH condition. I also don’t think there are many high quality studies that can infer causation. 4/9
I think we are quick to jump to social media as the problem for all things. When in reality Millennials & Gen Z’s are dealing w/ financial crisis, climate change, global instability, pandemic, insecure job markets & pressure to balance an increasingly demanding work/life. 5/9
If anything, social media has meant young people are exposed to global challenges/crises, more than any generation before them. I don’t think the solution is to switch that off or use social media as the scapegoat for the global problems older generations have created. 6/9
In saying all of this, I do think there are things tech companies need to answer for & there are ways to make social media a healthier place for children & adolescence. Let’s start w/ removing unhealthy marketing, eating disorder & self-harm content. 7/9
Beyond social media, we need more conversations & attention on children’s online games & apps that foster gambling, feed unhealthy dopamine responses & allow online chat rooms without stronger age verification (to keep out adult predators). 8/9
We need to be mindful of the unintended consequences of removing social media. We also need stronger evidence on the specific mechanisms that are driving declines in poor MH & what role social media does or does not play. 9/9