
Yes. Labeling profiles does not stop people from making multiple accounts seconds after being blocked to continue to harass me.
I think the labeller helps hiding their posts and replies already. can we have a block option too? I think suggested something similar but I can't remember why it won't work (yet)
Yeah, there are lists for No Display Name, No Avatar, Periodic, and Only Replies. But what would be more helpful is if I could mute people who've literally never replied to anybody at all, because the account is brand new & plans to make their absolute literal first post be an attack on me directly.
If I could mute people who only JUST made their account, yes, that would mitigate a lot of it, but I don't know of a way to do that right now.
If you select hide for these, those account post will get hidden for you. I'm not sure what happens when they reply (I've not tried it yet, but I think the replies won't show for you in notification either) cc
It’ll hide, but it will have some lag - so you get the notif but may be gone when you check I can look at labelling earlier (before a post) - but I can’t do a blocklist with the rate limits
Realizing this is me right now when it comes to finding out about the labeller, lol. -.-