
That is the issue before us. Three of you jumped in immediately to reply and not a single one of you expressed confidence that Biden can serve a full term. Of course not. And guess what? Voters know that
Which means you think we should try to trick voters into electing Harris implicitly. I want us to do it explicitly. Both because it’s more honest, and because honesty is more likely to work.
I mean, listen to yourselves. You think this is either an honorable or a wise strategy, to go to voters and say “look we all know this guy doesn’t have another full term in him, but just elect him because we’re scared you won’t openly vote for the first Black woman VP”
The sheer gall of denying the will of the voters who elected him the nominee is disqualifying. If you don’t like him vote for someone else, trying to impose your will over that of the millions of voters who elected him is unacceptable.
See below, plus: I'm not "trying to impose my will." I'm expressing my opinion on what Biden should do. At least 5 Democratic congress members have publicly expressed the same view. But we all know the decision is ultimately Biden's to make. We're allowed to say how we feel about it, though.
I voted for Biden in the primary. Millions of other people who also voted for Biden in the primary now want him to drop out and make way for Harris. If Biden dropped dead, I wouldn't accept "well he won the primary" as a reason to nominate his corpse. Same logic.
You're advocating for a removal of the Democratic voting process in favor of an unelected group of people unilaterally choosing an alternative. That's the antithesis of democracy.
As per my previous email,
See below, plus: I'm not "trying to impose my will." I'm expressing my opinion on what Biden should do. At least 5 Democratic congress members have publicly expressed the same view. But we all know the decision is ultimately Biden's to make. We're allowed to say how we feel about it, though.
Buddy, your words matter, and they are advocating both for tearing down Biden in the face of Trump *and* never backing down in the face of evidence that disproves your claim.
Pal, so do yours, and they are advocating denying a reality that is staring all voters in the face. From my point of view, you are pretending not to see the obvious. From yours, I'm, idk, hysterically imagining things for no reason. It's an impasse.
Then why did polling in swing states improve for Biden since the debate? Why do over 70% of Dem voters want Biden to stay in the race? Why are you ignoring those key polling points?
And why didn't any of these Dems who are suddenly VERY WORRIED about Biden run against him in the primaries in the first place? They've been around him. They've had ample time to judge his abilities.
The evidence we had about his abilities, and to some degree the abilities themselves (part of the issue is the rapid decline), was different 6 months ago. The debate was important new evidence that most of you want to simply ignore.
You genuinely, truly think that he's significantly declined in just 6 months? Lmao that's wild.
I love these self-declared experts in cognitive skills from the internet, and how they know better than all the voters. They love carrying water for the GOP and Trump.
At least now I know where to turn if a loved one or myself begin to have memory loss issues. Bluesky, of course! Place is full of Alzheimer's experts, all willing to diagnose over the Internet for likes and reskeets, hopefully won't charge much for the treatment too.