
why is “independence” the goal for disabled people instead of community?
could it be because community is in direct conflict with capitalism?
i can't find an animated gif or bunch of emojis enthusiastic enough to support how correct this is
Having roommates and being packed together like sardines or being in a religious cult just isn’t what I want just cause you think I deserve less than independence.
Coz that supports the neoliberal narrative that anyone who needs help (read: financial or practical support to live a full(er) life) is a drain on public services (which Tories love defunding) and should be ashamed (I'm in the UK, so suitably bitter with the way disabled ppl are treating).
I mean if independence is so important why are not all homes required to be off-grid? Oh sorry that affects shareholders… 🙄 Basically “Independence” means removing both freedom, and the right to support.
Because we don’t want to be at another’s mercy. And because others don’t actually want us in theirs cause we are social fuck ups. Not having to rely on someone else means not being homeless.
Avatar I don’t want to have to ask to go to the library or therapy. I want to just go. I don’t want to be worried that one fight will mean the end to a roof over my head. I want control of where I live and how. “Community” ? Doesn’t mean anything to me. Seems religious.
I care for a loved one with severe disabilities, and even in the best of times, it's clear that they resent needing me. And it's impossible for me to have disagreements with them because they depend on me for basic daily things, so that makes me resentful too. Independence is WONDERFUL if possible.
Because having control over your own life is a bloody fabulous feeling. Having control within community could also be nice. But let’s not pretend “asking for help” is brilliant even if the people providing said help are lovely.
Disabled ppls needs are human needs
I ask myself this all the time 🫠
because so many disabled people are made to feel like a burden that not being a burden becomes a driving force in their psyche
there was some op-ed (from some major newspaper) on this topic that I saw cross my feed at some point that I'd like to pass along to people; wish I could remember enough about it to be able to search to find it again...