
"Their rhetoric can sound expansive to the point of opacity. 'As the great men of the West bequeathed their deeds to us, so must we leave a legacy for our children,' the group’s website proclaims." Yeah, um... ...that's only opaque if you don't know what the Fourteen Words are
No, you see, they used the 20 Words instead, completely different /sarcasm
The 14 words are just a loquacious way to say “economic anxiety”
is that also sarcasm or are you just ignoring the implied ethnostate in the white supremacist slogan
It’s sarcasm. But the media does try to whitewash (so to speak) the racism behind everything roughly everything conservatives do. “Economic anxiety” is one of the more memorable euphemisms
it's just NIMBY but instead of like prisons or something it's races of people
The fight against immigrants is particularly ridiculous. A lot of people want to come here so they can work their asses off and make delicious food. And they’re hellof Christian! Conservative chuckleheads aren’t even good at selfishness