Mats Bengtsson

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Mats Bengtsson

Retired 🇸🇪 software developer
Enjoys walking, cycling & swimming
Looking for what to do & where to go next
Supports 🇺🇦 and #NAFO
No longer on X
Reposted byAvatar Mats Bengtsson
Waiting for Alex Jones to declare the recent shooting in Butler, PA a hoax, and Donald J. Trump a "crisis actor".
Reposted byAvatar Mats Bengtsson
Kyiv today. russia hit children’s hospital near the centre of the city. 21 killed 65 wounded There are still people under the rubble How you can /negotiate / with this ?
MeidasTouch is right. US corporate media is already bending over backwards not to offend Trump. They are scared beyond belief what a second Trump presidency will mean for their business and them personally, should they print something that the tender orange ego might take an offence to. Cowardice.
Then you didn't read the article closely enough. Measles exist in more places in the Americas, and there are outbreaks here and there from time to time, in particular in areas with low vaccination rates. Measles are either gone everywhere, or nowhere.
What you're sharing makes it worse if it reads the way it - now the disease is back thanks to that family from abroad. Not sure why lapse of time is considered a factor in whether to care about it or anything else is though. this weird "get upset" syntax makes your response feel confrontational
Bending over backwards to support an aggressor, waging a brutal war on their neighbor. They should be rewarded with sanctions. The #BRICS 🤡countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) have agreed to support #Russia 's initiative to create a grain exchange for the association. This new exchange will enable member countries to settle transactions in their national currencies, alt⬇️
Reposted byAvatar Mats Bengtsson
At today's match between Ukraine and Belgium, fans have revealed a banner with a portrait of a fallen Ukrainian warrior. The banner has 182 portraits of fallen Ukrainian defenders, who in civilian life belonged to fan movements of Ukrainian sports clubs.
Is there something wrong with my eyes, or am I really seeing a lot of higher quality posts recently on Bsky, perhaps heralding that the great exodus from X has finally begun?
Reposted byAvatar Mats Bengtsson
Chasiv Yar.. Yet another Popasna, Bakhmut and many other destroyed front line cities.
Moscow provoked the eastern states in Europe, plus Finland and Sweden, to seek membership of NATO by being as belligerent, barbaric and outright criminal as only dictatorships run by psychopaths with imperial ambitions can be.
Moscow's war in Ukraine is now a proxy war between North and South Korea.
#849dayofwar ⚡South Korea has said that it would “reconsider” sending weapons to Ukraine in a warning to Vladimir Putin after the Russian president signed a mutual defence pact with North Korea amid rising tensions on the Korean peninsula, - FT #UkraineWar
False, as always. But it would be the end of the current barbaric and criminal regime in Moscow.
Strategic battlefield defeat would be end of Russia's statehood, Putin claims
Strategic battlefield defeat would be end of Russia's statehood, Putin
"What is the definition of terrorism? terrorism. noun. ter·ror·ism ˈter-ər-ˌi-zəm. 1. : the unlawful use or threat of violence especially against the state or the public as a politically motivated means of attack or coercion." The current regime in Moscow are sponsors & practitioners of terrorism.
Meanwhile in Russia: fully realizing that Ukraine cannot be defeated on the battlefield, Vladimir Solovyov once again demands for the Kyiv dam to be destroyed in order to flood the city.
Vladimir Solovyov urges Russia to destroy the Kyiv
I did not know Trump's grandfather made the family fortune by pimping out women during the Klondyke gold rush. Somehow it doesn't surprise me at all....
The Brothel Behind The Trump Fortune (Canadiana Shorts) A story about a ghost town, a brothel, and a businessman whose ventures during the Klondike Gold Rush solidified his family's name for years to come: Frederick Trump. Support the channel: CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: WEBSITE: DONATE ONCE W/ PAYPAL: MERCH: *Please note: This is a re-release of a previous version published briefly to our channel in September 2018. A small change was necessary but the story remains the same. Friedrich (Frederick) Trump continued operating his hotel/brothel in Whitehorse, Yukon for over a year—he actually had the building rafted there from Bennett, BC after just six weeks. Eventually, news got out that the Mounties were going to crack down on gambling and prostitution, so Trump took his money and went back to Germany. But, Germany didn't want him. To his homeland, he'd been a draft-dodger—leaving the country at the time he would have been conscripted—so he was deported. Trump moved back to the U.S. (he'd become a citizen while in Seattle) with his new wife. The couple had children, one of whom was Fred Trump Jr.. He would turn his father's Klondike nest-egg into the fortune eventually inherited by Donald Trump. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau gave President Trump a photo of Frederick Trump's hotel as a gift. Notes/Corrections: There's controversy regarding the term 'pimp' and the wider story of the hotel's secondary function as a brothel. In fact, Snopes deemed a meme that circulated about the story 'mostly false' in this article: We've read their treatment and see that it focuses on a rumour Trump was involved in the opium trade—we can't speak to that because we haven't seen any mention of it. The article also takes the position that, during the Gold Rush, most hotels included sex work. Snopes states that Trump's establishments may have also been brothels, but the evidence is anecdotal. What convinces us is the excerpts you see and hear from newspapers at the time, as well as the mountain of other articles written about Frederick Trump that point to the fact that owning a combination hotel-brothel wasn't unusual for him. Calling Trump a 'pimp' might be a little on-the-nose because he most likely rented those 'private rooms' to sex workers to use rather than literally going to find customers for them. However, the distinction is a grey area and he clearly profited from the prostitution he promoted in newspaper ads. We leave it to you to decide what to make of it all, and would like to point you to the following articles and resources: Gwenda Blair's "The Trumps: Three Generations of Builders and a President" - Articles by Maclean's, Bloomberg, and CBC (there are many others as well):,, The Trump family name was once Drumpf:
I think I know why Orban no longer blocks aid for Ukraine in NATO, and negotiations to become a member of the EU. Last week, or perhaps it was earlier this week, I heard Moscow reporting it had found evidence of Ukraine preparing to blow up the Turkstream pipe, at bottom of the Black Sea. 1/2
The Keto diet is working. My wardrobe needs an update.
The military genius of Putin demonstrates again how he is capable of creating the same battlefield disasters as Stalin & Hitler did. The intention with the Kharkiv operation was to stretch Ukrainian forces thin. Instead he manages to snuff out a significant portion of his own troops.
Russia, US, UK, France, China promised to respect and protect Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty. Neither Russia or China fulfill their commitments. There is no point in negotiating with parties who do not fulfill their commitments.
🚫🇺🇦 Today marks 28 years since Ukraine lost its status as a nuclear power. In 1996, Ukrainian authorities transferred the last nuclear missiles to Russia. The Budapest Memorandum was signed on December 5, 1994 by the leaders of 🇺🇦Ukraine, 💀Russia, 🇬🇧UK and 🇺🇸USA.
Reposted byAvatar Mats Bengtsson
Guys, I know. I KNOW. But here’s the thing I have spent 18 long & increasingly bloody years listening to Russia dudebros explain how anything you do to expose/punish Putin “only makes him stronger” It was the basis of our do-nothing-about-revanchism policy It was flat wrong /1
Avatar where is your latest podcast episode where you tell the story of who was really behind the angry farmers' protest earlier this year?
Are Putin and Trump capable of grasping the meaning of this quote?
"You cannot play with the animal in you without becoming wholly animal, play with falsehood without forfeiting your right to truth, play with cruelty without losing your sensitivity of mind. He who wants to keep his garden tidy doesn't reserve a plot for weeds." Dag Hammarskjöld
Reposted byAvatar Mats Bengtsson
Putin is using Kharkiv as a punching bag, challenging the bed-wetters in DC and in the capitals of Europe. How long will it take for them to grow a spine?
Reposted byAvatar Mats Bengtsson