Matthew Sheffield

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Matthew Sheffield

🟦 Publisher, Flux
🟦 Host, Theory of Change podcast
🟦 Co-host, So This Just Happened and Doomscroll
🟦 Former right wing media executive

Posts about politics, religion, media, and technology with occasional memes
The Republican party's bro subculture is totally unaware that the party they support wants to criminalize extramarital sex and to ban mature video games and pornography. Part of this ignorance is that the left doesn't talk about sex and dating much
America’s Biggest New Viral Star Has Been Co-opted by the Right. This Is an Absolute It’s a huge, huge problem that the Dems don’t know how to capitalize on this stuff.
Totalitarianism is always absurd. It must be because sociopathy is weaponized insecurity. Rather than correct their stupidity, sociopaths want to force others to submit to it.
Taraji P. Henson did a huge public service calling out Project 2025. Earlier today, Kevin Roberts, chair of Project 2025, threatened violence: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be." It's Christofascism. Make no mistake.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
A rare moment of legal sanity from 3 of the right-wing SCOTUS gods: They correctly ruled that government agencies cannot be sued for communicating w/social media companies about misinformation
Biden admin can’t be sued for pressuring social media companies to remove misinformation, Supreme Court Two red states and five social media users do not have legal standing to sue.
In the latest “Doomscroll” episode, and I discussed how the stock for Trump's Untruth Social has plummeted after his conviction and as investors get word that Trump and his insider cronies are going to massively dilute share value.
Truth Social stock value plummets as insiders prepare to hose Plus: Louisiana Republicans pass law to put Ten Commandments posters in classrooms
After years of "The Simpsons" predicting everything, it looks like someone else predicted "The Simpsons." The ancient Egyptian woman Tadi Ist should've trademarked her life rights. Marge Simpson is clearly a rip-off of her look!
This should be obvious: If "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor" were foundational to American law, Trump would have been jailed a long, long, loooooong time ago. OTOH, Roman law spread throughout Europe centuries before Christianity was established as the official religion.
Far too many people believe that the English-American laws are based on the Bible. In reality, almost all European-American legal systems harken back to Roman law. The Twelve Tables are far more relevant to our law than the Ten Commandments.
Twelve Tables -
Far too many people believe that the English-American laws are based on the Bible. In reality, almost all European-American legal systems harken back to Roman law. The Twelve Tables are far more relevant to our law than the Ten Commandments.
Twelve Tables -
The first principle of reactionary morality is leader submission. All other principles matter far, far less. The majority of Republicans believe that a convicted felon should be allowed to be president. But they had the opposite view before Donald Trump was convicted in NYC.
Paul Pressler, a serial child rapist and one of the architects of the "conservative resurgence" in the Southern Baptist Convention that made it insane, has died. He was an evil person, in public and in private. May his name live in infamy forever.
Paul Pressler, SBC legend accused of abuse, is dead at Paul Pressler, a retired Texas judge and one of the most influential evangelicals of the past 50 years, has died.
A huge part of the so-called "masculinity crisis" hyped by the right is really about queer men, particularly those who are bi, being afraid to live openly. This is an interesting piece from a guy who put "No Republicans" in his Grindr profile and saw that there are a lot of closeted queer men.
I Put “No Republicans” in My Grindr Profile. Men Started to Lose Their I thought being gay meant being socially progressive, open, and empathetic. My two-word vetting tool taught me the truth.
There are now more partisan local websites than local newspapers. A milestone has been crossed. Overwhelmingly these are right wing fake news outlets, which means that right wing media is the mainstream media. America's information ecosystem is dangerously contaminated
Phony 'news' portals surpass US newspaper sites, researchers Partisan websites masquerading as media outlets now outnumber American newspaper sites, a research group that tracks misinformation said Tuesday, highlighting a local news crisis in a year of high-sta...
🧵 The U.S. right is very different from conservative parties in other countries in that it never changes or adapts its policies to the public will. The ideas have been unchanged since they raged against the New Deal. Instead of adapting, the right rebrands. Unfortunately, they fool many people.
The ‘Intellectual Dark Web’ has become yet another failed right-wing For nearly a century, Republicans have been pretending to be the ‘real liberals’
🧵 The U.S. right is very different from conservative parties in other countries in that it never changes or adapts its policies to the public will. The ideas have been unchanged since they raged against the New Deal. Instead of adapting, the right rebrands. Unfortunately, they fool many people.
The ‘Intellectual Dark Web’ has become yet another failed right-wing For nearly a century, Republicans have been pretending to be the ‘real liberals’
This week's comic: Many white Americans fail to assimilate
Dinesh D'Souza is a dishonest moron whose entire career was a fabrication by smarter people. That's why it's so great to see that his totally false "2000 Mules" crockumentary has been fully retracted by its distributor. Please tell your GOP relatives this happened!
Salem Apologizes, Retracts Dinesh D’Souza’s Debunked Election Fraud Movie ‘2000 Mules’ Dinesh D'Souza's movie amplifying Donald Trump's debunked claims of election fraud in 2020 election was retracted by the film's producer.