
To underscore this very important point... The chief source of contemporary "lizard people" claims is David Icke, who actually used the antisemitic forgery _The Protocols of the Elders of Zion_ as a source in laying out his ideas. That's how fundamentally antisemitic the lizard people thing is.
It’s worth remembering that “lizard people” is an extreme version of antisemitism. There are people who don’t explicitly connect to Jews, and maybe they even don’t know, but the origins of conspiracy theory are 100% about us.
There are very few conspiracy theories that when you scratch the surface don't have an undercurrent of antisemitism, and the number of times various conspiracists or truthers have veered into antisemitism is too numerous to count. Antisemitism is the Ur-conspiracy.
Generally agreed, though in this one, the antisemitism is more foundational than something the originator veered into.
Agreed, lizard people is just a straight stand-in, effectively plagiarizing the protocols and just replacing the target with an obvious and dehumanizing image. I don't want to minimize the grades of disgusting conspiracism that exist, just to say, they are all at least a bit disgusting in this way.
That claim deserves as much credibility as David Duke saying that he likes the Confederate flag as a sign of southern heritage.