
In 1979, Disney made Shadow of Fear, a TV movie about a bullied kid who goes to live with relatives in Amish country, where he 1) learns to astrally project and possess animals and 2) is hunted by werewolves (with some really odd mythology). Y'know, Witch Mountain+The Howling, for kids!
Once again, in case you’re wondering why Gen Xers are “like this,” watch any Disney movie between Walt’s death & The Little Mermaid, the shit we were raised on. Tried to rewatch The Rescuers last night and it is utterly Bananapants that a single soul thought this was acceptable kids’ fare
Disney cares so little about this movie (and a lot of their 1960s/70s live action output) that the entire thing has been on YouTube for years.
wild swings of tone under the 70s Disney banner between that and The Black Hole too (lets make a Star Wars knockoff with cute robots but also a big red robot who is literally the Devil and also fake robots who are actually lobotomized human slaves!)
Yeah, the Black Hole has some great effects, but it feels more like a 1950s or '60s sci-fi movie. Hard to believe it came out the same year as Alien.
And only a couple years after Soylent Green. (Speaking of which, some numbskull out there right now is probably dreaming of the "Soylent Green cinematic universe")
I keep sending letters to all the Hollywood studios pitching my Weekend At Bernie's Cinematic Universe and all I get back is restraining orders!