
EVs will soon become so much cheaper than ICEs that everyone will ditch their gas cars all at once, sending the used car market into a death spiral. The last time this happened, Hollywood spent about a decade demolishing the excess stock via cheap TV car chases—a paradise we could regain!
So you’re telling me I’m going to be able to afford a used car again soon? That sounds nice
I’m telling you you’ll be able to afford ten of them, as long as they only have to run long enough to be driven off a cliff!
Someone is going to have to dig up Hal Needham.
I... *really* do not see that happening, not with any battery technology on the horizon and not with American range demands
Like, the way the car market is going, automakers have consistently pushed the price of cars *up*, not down, by virtue of most cheap cars (including cheap EVs like the Leaf and original Bolt) underperforming commercially
I think for the foreseeable future there's going to be a substantial number of drivers who won't part with their ICEs even if it's cheaper because of politics, range anxiety, no place to charge