
CMYK output tests. Used SC paper ECI, which is 270% total ink, 100% black, UCR color. I am NOT saying this is correct to use for printed comics. I'm just testing things to compare output. On the left in each image is Photoshop, in the middle is Clip Studio Paint, then Affinity Photo on right. 1/2-3
Notice in the center image in each of these that the Clip Studio output has dulled color. Not as saturated colors. CSP adds cyan to all oranges and reds, whereas PS and Affinity do not. Overall, CSP has more muted colors. And notice the backing color for the blacks. PS and Affinity are similar.
For blacks, PS and Affinity reached 99% black in the k-tones, with 267% total ink, while CSP reached 100% black with 271% total ink. Affinity also has channels, so it should be possible to trap blacks, unlike in CSP. I'll keep testing over the next few weeks.
My earlier supposition is that Affinity will be able to replace PS for output. So, workflow: Color in Clip Studio Paint. Then, final prepress prep in Affinity, skipping Adobe entirely. But, will see if that's possible once I do more testing.
Please, please, please, do a walk through if you figure it out. :) I've been colouring in Clip for 5 years, and I don't really see any colour shifts when I convert it into PS for trapping and output, but I'm a sporadic colourist for self published covers so I don't have the most refined eye.