Matt Hollingsworth

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Matt Hollingsworth

Neurodivergent dude, color artist for Marvel, DC, and Image comics, noob prose writer, and brewer.
Moonlit Path:
My forthcoming novel FUTURE'S EDGE features the end of the world, an alien parasite, weaponised archeologists, and a bizarre love triangle between two humans and a sentient starship. And it's now available to preorder from all good book vendors. Links:
—by Marv Wolfman, Marie Severin and John Costanza, 1974
For anyone following the Clip Studio Paint discussion, the lasso fill tool does exactly what I want. Because it doesn't actually affect a selection, I can use the wand to grab something, then use lasso fill to touch up flats within that selection with the lasso fill tool. 1/2
‘The crayon sang a beautiful song. I reveled in the pain of it burning my hand and drew that bastard Viking all in red.’ I can’t wait to read Matt’s new stories. Read his IZ story ‘When I Was the Red Baron’ in IZ 299 🖍️💥👇
I just received an acceptance e-mail for a short story (prose, not comics), about 6,000 words of dark fantasy/horror. My fourth acceptance. Two more stories are out making the submission rounds. Three stories are off for a critique. And four more are in early drafting stage. Onward. #write
Get more from INTERZONE on a European magazine publishing fiction & non-fiction
Clip Studio Paint question of the day: Are there custom subtools to download that are not just brushes and patterns and such? Like, customizations of the fill tool, for instance, that have additional functionality? 1/2
I just received an acceptance e-mail for a short story (prose, not comics), about 6,000 words of dark fantasy/horror. My fourth acceptance. Two more stories are out making the submission rounds. Three stories are off for a critique. And four more are in early drafting stage. Onward. #write
I was in London when John Major won. That was a bummer. I was in London when Bush won in 2000. I went to bed that night with the news saying Gore won, and woke to headlines of Bush winning. Disaster the world never recovered from. Go forth. Vote the Tories out.
UK people, go forth and vote out the Tories. Crush them utterly.
Clip Studio Paint users: What are you using in place of Adobe Bridge for file browsing. On my Mac, XnView won't show thumbnails of .clip files. And the Finder is a pain in the ass, imho. I like to view an entire book while working. Ideas?
For people following my color experimentation with Clip Studio Paint, here's the latest. I think I worked out a solution that gets Affinity Photo to 90% of what PS gets when it converts to CMYK. The 3 images are from PS, then Affinity Photo, then Clip Studio Paint. I'll explain what I did. 1/many
Day five working in Clip Studio Paint and I managed to color four pages. Seems I'm already almost up to speed. Easy app to adjust to.
For anyone following the thread about outputting color from Clip Studio Paint, after messing with it a lot today, it seems the color output from Affinity is only better if the file originated in Photoshop. If from CSP, the color is better coming straight out of CSP. See attachment. PS-AFF-CSP.
Okay, so I'm going to post a thread now about using Clip Studio Paint, about color settings, ICC color profiles, outputting to CMYK, getting 100% K in your blacks, etc. Technical shit. If you're struggling with this, read the thread. I'll reply to myself here, and it'll take a little time... 1/many
Clip Studio Paint tip of the day: To make D the hotkey to get black and white as your FG and BG colors, or to change that hotkey, go to Shortcut Settings/Options/Drawing color and scroll down. You'll see "Switch main color to black and sub color to white." Change shortcut, and you're good to go.
Do stories like ‘Sibilance’ matter to you? If you’re able, become IZ’s 61st monthly patron today and help sustain an indy short fic mag that can only continue to exist, and get closer to paying artists and authors pro rates, with reader support. Subscribers are the lifeblood of small zines like IZ
Subscribe to to read my new story, SIBILANCE, a queer homage to classic #sciencefiction set in outer space. Dr Hodei is in love with two spheres: 1) A gas giant called Jupiter & 2) his deceased nonbinary lover turned SEAX drone: Amaranth (both depicted in the cover art). 🪐🚀🇵🇷🏳️‍🌈
Get more from INTERZONE on a European magazine publishing fiction & non-fiction
CMYK output tests. Used SC paper ECI, which is 270% total ink, 100% black, UCR color. I am NOT saying this is correct to use for printed comics. I'm just testing things to compare output. On the left in each image is Photoshop, in the middle is Clip Studio Paint, then Affinity Photo on right. 1/2-3
Avatar What ICC profile are you using with CSP? UCR 280%, and 300%, depending on publisher? Thanks for any help.
Colors are also deader looking in Clip Studio Paint than in Photoshop. That said, the process of coloring/painting in CSP is great. Love it. Brushes are more responsive with my Cintiq. Much better than PS. Any CSP users feel free to chime in on color management and getting correct CMYK output. 2/2
Finished my first piece in Clip Studio Paint. A cover. I output it from CSP to a CMYK tiff. Then, I compared to outputting from Photoshop. I have to say, I don't like what CSP does for outputting CMYK, unless I'm doing it wrong. The blacks don't have 100% K, which is unacceptable. 1/2
Precious Metal #2, set in the same world as our Eisner-winning series Little Bird. Written by Darcy Van Poelgeest, drawn by Ian Bertram & colored by me in Corel Painter and Photoshop. In stores July 10th. #preciousmetal #comics #colorart
And if using CSP for 3D models (or PS), static line imports look terrible. Consider drawing over those lines to rough them up a bit. I know time is of the essence, but dead line weight and perfect lines on 3D models look like lifeless, dead art with no energy and no feel of having been drawn. 3/3
So, if you're actually drawing in Clip Studio Paint, maybe spend some time with brushes and try to find brushes that look a bit better, that look a bit less repetitive, a bit more natural looking instead of so obviously digital. But that's just my bias. 2/3
As a LONG time color artist, one thing that bothers me about lineartists using Clip Studio Paint is their choice of brushes. A lot of them use the same brushes and some of them are super fake and digital looking, particularly brushes for hatching and textures. Some of that stuff looks terrible. 1/2?
Another good thing about Clip Studio Paint: The eyedropper works. In Photoshop, it works sometimes, and sometimes not. Set to pick the color off "current layer" often returns totally inaccurate results. And it's been that way for at least five years. Adobe seems to not care.
Pleasures from first morning with Clip Studio Paint: Adobe recently broke their lasso tool. At least for me, it screws up constantly. The CSP lasso just works, which is great. The UI is great. Love it. Finding tools and their settings is easy and intuitive. Adjusting to the app won't be too rough.
Woes from the first day of Clip Studio Paint: No dragging and dropping images or layers into CSP. No dragging layers between documents. How the hell do you transfer layers from one doc to the other? Copy-paste works. To get an image into CSP, it seems I have to do file/import.
Working in Clip Studio Paint this morning as I begin the transition away from Photoshop and Adobe after 29 years. All good, except I couldn't figure out how to convert a grayscale image to RGB. If anyone knows how, put it in the comments.
Just finished revisions for three stories totalling ~15,600 words, and am sending them off for a developmental critique. That process will take a while, so now it's time to switch gears and go back to working on my fairy tales. Meanwhile, I'll wrap up colors for Gotham by Gaslight 4 this week.