
For people following my color experimentation with Clip Studio Paint, here's the latest. I think I worked out a solution that gets Affinity Photo to 90% of what PS gets when it converts to CMYK. The 3 images are from PS, then Affinity Photo, then Clip Studio Paint. I'll explain what I did. 1/many
So, the results from both Affinity and CSP were improved. The solution is to change your working profile to Adobe RGB. Most other apps default to sRGB. For CSP, go to preferences, color conversion,a nd choose Adobe RGB for the RGB profile. See attached. For Affinity go to settings, color.
Then, you can flatten the file in CSP, and export it as one file/CMYK, and you'll get the CSP result I posted before. Or, open that flattened file in Affinity. It'll say it converted it to the working space, Adobe RGB. Ok. Then, choose the your ICC profile we covered yesterday and export,
This is for a Marvel book, which has 300% total ink, so it's a little different than the profile I showed how to create yesterday, but the idea is the same. So, when you export from each program, choose that ICC profile and export your CMYK.
If you toggle back and forth with the three images I posted, you'll see that the Affinity image is very close to the PS image. Very slight differences, but pretty damned close.
Yes! I forgot that I did this a few years ago in my CSP preferences. It helped a lot with color. Also, it's possible that you're already aware of this and covered it in an earlier thread, But there is also a CMYK preview mode that I always set my pages to. View>Color Profile>preview settings
From there you can select a color profile preview for your pages. This in conjunction with all the other steps you've been discussing has, in my experience created pretty solid color consistency. Again, apologies if this is old news to you. Just wanted to bring it up in case you didn't know.