
Clip Studio Paint question of the day: Are there custom subtools to download that are not just brushes and patterns and such? Like, customizations of the fill tool, for instance, that have additional functionality? 1/2
I'm looking for a way to trace around something and have it autofill. Close and fill works great for flatting, but what if you already have something flatted, and you want to trace out an area? ATM, I have to trace with the lasso, then fill. 2 steps. Reducing that to 1 step would be awesome. More:
So, say it's flatted. And I want more detail on that flats layer, and I don't want it to reference any other layers, but autofill with a tolerance of zero inside what I trace? Seems not possible. I guess it'd pick slivers of what I trace outside of the target color unless I'm exact in what I trace.
That's great. Not exactly what I want, but useful nonetheless. Thanks.
Do you mean something like this? I select an area, create a new masked, transparent layer, and fill it in with the Lasso Fill, or wand + fill tools. I set the Lasso Fill tool to background mode so it only affects transparent areas, and will not affect colors already laid down.
Lasso Quick demo of Lasso fill on a masked layer for easier and faster filling when flatting.
That's great, but way more steps than what I'm already doing. Thanks, though.
For flattening, I usually select outside a character or background, invert selection, lasso fill (loose) around the area to get the base outline and protect transparency, then do lasso fills on the same layer, or create additional layers with "clip to bottom" and use lasso fill for the flat colours.
You can create custom tools - one I use a lot us the Polygon Fill tool. You have to create it via Create Custom Sub Tools.
Just gonna throw this in; your subtools can have custom icons (small pngs - I usually do 100x100 pixel)
Thanks. Yeah, I saw that. I use mostly hotkeys, though, so icons aren't something I usually even notice.