
Weekly obligatory parental phone call. Dad gets on the phone. “Any news on a job?” It’s been 1 week. Sir. Also, I hope my dad never hears of Blue Sky because he was the reason my Twitter was private.
Tell him he’s allowed to ask again in September. Your recruiter *ahem* has already prepared you that the hiring process is averaging 90 days before an offer is even extended to a selected candidate.
Uff dah. I hate this. BLECH. Tomorrow I’m back at it with searching and apps.
I went from my tattoo app over to my parents and dad was getting home. I showed mom and he heard tattoo and yelled like I was TWELVE “You better cut that shit out!” and i just laughed like buddy, it’s cute you think your opinion counts
When we were up visiting, my Dad chastised Jamie for something that didn’t even register as a Thing to me and I almost lost it on him. DO. NOT.
I made a comment about not having a job, Jamie made the sad trombone “wah wah” sound and Dad went off on how it’s not a joke, its serious, and it’s not a good thing. Just kind of laid into the kid because DISRESPECT. But this is a) how we roll in my house and b) that’s my autistic kid.
He has NO IDEA how shit like that is gonna land for Jamie. Nor does he understand that responses like that from Jamie are how his brain works. I was like “no. That’s ok in my house. Sarcasm is acceptable. We communicate in this manner. He’s fine.” Dad grumbled.
It absolutely sucks about your job but sad trombone and is funny, dad is wrong for snapping AND taking it so seriously; it’s scary yeah and yinz need support not Punishment. Big My Dad Energy. (my parents care Too Much about Optics)
And here’s my thing: if you parent with “respect my AUTHORITAY!” communication what results is kids who do not communicate with their parents about big important stuff. We may be “lax” about respect according to Dad, but my kids talk to me. About big stuff. I’d rather that than anything else.
And sorry for spewing about this. Apparently you I’m still salty about it. 🤣🤣
Let it out!! Unleash it!! 💪🏼