
Waiting for coffee this morning, lady in a pastel Jeep with Jesus freak decals hopped the curb to cut the drive-thru line. The woman she cut WAS NOT having it. Jumped out of her car, stood in front of the menu & microphone & yelled “you’re a fake Christian cockgoblin” until the Jeep drove away.
Good for her and on a side note, jumping the curb to cut in line is psycho behavior. I have never seen that in my life and never even considered that a possibility. If I ran a fast food joint, I'd tell everyone working for me to refuse service if they ever saw that.
Sad to say at this particular location, I have personally seen it happen several times. And the staff can’t be expected to do much because they can’t see where it happens (except maybe on cameras).
That's crazy. Cutting in line with my car is just such a foreign idea to me. Even on a purely selfish level I could damage my car or hit another persons car then we all gotta deal with insurance which is going to far outweigh the time I could have saved. Then again a curb jumper isn't thinking.
In 2022 a wind gust caught my car door as I was getting out. $2,000 dent in the car next to me. My insurance premiums won't level out from that one for another year. Exchanging paint on purpose calls for powerful psych meds.