
Conversation with my cleaning lady: “So what’ll happen with Trump? He’s not going to jail? Yeah I figured. People like that don’t go to jail, it’s the same in Bulgaria.” Thanks Trump voters for your efforts to turn America into Bulgaria
I'm kinda really bummed out any time Eastern Europe is mentioned in a pejorative way
Fair, but I think her comment that it’s very difficult to jail oligarchs there cuts to the heart of it. Trump is exactly the kind of figure who has wrecked so much in Eastern Europe over the past 35 years and his voters are helping do the same in the US: rip up the country so predators can eat it
I know it's not intended in that way, but it kinda looks a bit... exceptionalistic? (I know that's not a word, pls bear with me) As if signalling "It can't possibly happen here, we are way better than those people over there"
I'm not trying to dunk hard on you, these things are just a pet-peeve of mine, of course this can happen anywhere, we are human, if the circumstances align those will *inevitably* going to be a fertile ground for grifters like the trump
While the exact reasons and circumstances for these people coming into be might be different, the end result is on a surface level seems similar, I give you that. But Eastern European countries never really had resolute enough institutions to weather them. The West does - for the most part
All of these things are relative, but the West’s great strength is that is gets closer than anyplace else to applying the rule of law to everyone. This is the chief source of its power and wealth as well as the reason why everyone wants to live there.