
The last two sentences are correct, of course, but the rest is a clinic in lying with chloropleth maps. The darkest color is >50%, many of those counties are low-pop rurals, and no state has a Black majority. Republicans win in those states because white voters vote for them as a bloc.
so unlike the rest of the states the southern states black populations are concentrated in the rural parts 🤨
I think that is not true, the black population is *also* concentrated in the cities in those states. what is true is that unlike the rest of the states, there are rural counties that are majority Black
Black Belt in the American South -
County maps usually give distorted views because they overrepresent rural counties with small populations. Like Nevada looks very red if you don't know that 2/3 of the votes are in that one blue county. In Black Belt states, some of the overrepresented counties are majority Black.
definitely true to an extent but notwithstanding