
FT and NYT are up with stories about how those close to Biden have recognized a noticeable cognitive decline in the past weeks. Notably, there are security and intel sources who question his capacity to carry out his duties as President. This is not a joke.
You’ve been banging the “replace Biden” drum, so not surprised to see you captured by anonymous sources in the two papers that have had the Biden Old tune going as the only news story. Dismaying to watch across the board.
I don’t see how lying to ourselves or each other is supposed to help us figure out what to do about this situation
The situation is that our next President is going to be a figurehead, and our choice is between horrific fascism or something sort of resembling democracy. What we're going to do about it is vote against fascism.
You’re right, my post was misdirected and a hasty expression of frustration.
Neither of those say noticeable cognitive decline In the past weeks. The one on the left is from 2 former officials, and we have no idea when they were last current vs former. The one on the right talks about some physical challenges. How about not shoveling horseshit in your skeets
It's just very hard to take the scorned woman's word for much of anything at this point.
So, some of our current intel officials or military officials are MAGA and trying to help that rapist who tried to steal the last election? Oh just peachy.
While I don’t really doubt the observation, where was this story two weeks ago? Two months ago? Two years ago? You know, when there were better options and time for a nuanced debate.
Julian Castro and Ezra Klein both sounded alarm bells, to name a couple people. They were shut down and accused of helping Trump
Yes, I remember those & I’m not discounting them. Here, I’m thinking more about a “NYT/WH staff says” kind of reported story. Also, there’s a bit of difference between the “he’s just too old” commentary and a “he’s now observably diminished” story.