Max Berger

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Max Berger

Co-founder More Perfect Union, IfNotNow, Momentum Training Institute. Formerly Justice Democrats, etc. Working on co-founding something new. He/him.
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This is the editorial view of the guy who controls which posts get shown on Vichy Twitter and which get buried. Insane that journalists continue to use it as a source of information and contribute to its legitimacy
Democratic Party electeds and operatives are freaking out because they watched the first debate along with 50 million Americans and saw a man with obvious signs of cognitive decline. Biden’s arrogant and slow response, along with the terrible polling, has made things worse since.
Completely true unless time and causality move linearly from past to present. If it does it’s remarkably difficult for subsequent actions to reach back and cause previous ones.
Democratic Congressman Brad Sherman arguing Biden’s pledged delegates aren’t required to vote for Biden.
This is exactly right. The media isn’t driving the news about the party replacing Biden. There is a very real, very strong effort within the party to replace Biden—and that’s driving the coverage.
Yes. This is the difference folks aren't really getting here. Pre-debate there was party unease, and frankly not a small amount of resentment at NYT (in particular, tho others too) banging on about "Biden old". Post-debate, it's the whole party apparatus in near open revolt. These are very different
Socialize the means of production (Taylor’s Edition)
Anyway, if Swifties and the Outlander fandom ever set their minds to it, I firmly believe we’d have universal healthcare and a solution for climate change within a week.
MA Gov Maura Healey becomes the first sitting governor to gently urge Biden towards the exit. “Over the coming days, I urge him to listen to the American people and carefully evaluate whether he remains our best hope to defeat Donald Trump.”
No matter what you think should happen next, this is a truly hilarious thing to read in the newspaper.
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Hey it's me, Sonic the Hedgehog! Did somebody say running mate? Let's just say I know a thing or two about that!
“Amid the ongoing fallout from Joe Biden’s debate performance, talk in many top Democratic circles has already moved to who Kamala Harris’ running mate would be.” 🥥🌴🥥🌴
Democrats start moving to Harris as Biden digs in | CNN Amid the ongoing fallout from Joe Biden’s debate performance, talk in many top Democratic circles has already moved to who Kamala Harris’s running mate would be.
“Amid the ongoing fallout from Joe Biden’s debate performance, talk in many top Democratic circles has already moved to who Kamala Harris’ running mate would be.” 🥥🌴🥥🌴
Democrats start moving to Harris as Biden digs in | CNN Amid the ongoing fallout from Joe Biden’s debate performance, talk in many top Democratic circles has already moved to who Kamala Harris’s running mate would be.
“Everybody wants him to quit. There’s a sense of despair. I think people don’t understand how we get out of this hole. And we’re hurtling toward losing to Trump,” said one House Democrat granted anonymity to shed light on private conversations.
‘Everybody’s in panic mode’ as House Democrats scramble after At least one letter circulating among House Democrats would call on Biden to end his campaign.
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This is the type of shit that makes Jews update their passports.
NEWS --> Mark Robinson, the MAGA extremist GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, appeared to endorse political violence against unnamed foes in a recent speech. "Some folks need killing!" he shouted. "It's a matter of necessity!" Video and story here:
MAGA Gov Candidate’s Ugly, Hateful Rant: “Some Folks Need Killing!” Mark Robinson, the GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, has a long history of incendiary comments. But he may have topped himself this time.
The level of cope regarding the problem with Biden's aging is really sad to me. Yes, of course, it's being taken advantage of by some people with bad intentions. The one guy standing between us and fascism is cognitively declining at a rapid rate. 80% of Americans agree. It's untenable.
"European leaders came away stunned at how much older the president seemed from when they had last interacted with him only a year, or in some cases, mere months earlier, several officials familiar w/ their reactions said. “People were worried about it,” said someone familiar w/ leaders’ reactions.
President Biden, who at 81 is the oldest person ever to hold the office, has displayed signs of accelerated aging in recent months, said numerous aides, foreign officials, members of Congress and others who interacted with Biden over the last 3½ years.
Biden’s aging is seen as accelerating, lapses described as more Aides, foreign leaders, donors and members of Congress say Biden has seemed slower and more often loses his train of thought in recent months, though close aides insist he remains mentally sharp
New polling says most Democrats want Biden to drop out. - 76% of Democrats say Joe Biden is too old to run - Two-thirds of Democrats would replace Biden on the ballot with another nominee
Massachusetts Governor Maura Healy reportedly said that the president’s political position was “irretrievable” after his disastrous debate performance. New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham said Biden could lose her state.
Live Election Updates: Biden’s Verbal Stumbles in Spotlight as He Hosts July 4 The president is appearing at an Independence Day celebration and fireworks display. As he seeks to project strength amid fallout from his debate performance, his verbal fumbles and gaffes are drawing...
I don't think it's entirely health for the sake of our democracy to believe only one person is capable of saving it. Donald Trump will lose in November because the American people-and the Democratic Party-unite against him. We should have faith in ourselves and each other to believe we will win.
No matter how bleak things look right now, I genuinely don't think America is terminally fucked. However, I do think our political system is terminally fucked. Whether or not we'd like to fix it, I don't think it's possible. We need to start taking seriously building something new.
I want to be clear about something: I think everyone should vote for the Democratic nominee no matter who it is. But, I agree with the many Democratic members of Congress, party leaders, major donors and operatives that Joe Biden no longer provides Democrats with the best chance of winning.
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very tough call, I can see why the White House is taking so long on this, with the democratic and constitutional order on the line, ‘n all
It really is a tough choice between spending the next four months generating cringe but effective propaganda about how pretty and tough the first female president who is also Black/Asian is, versus spending those months trying to convince voters dementia isn’t a word in the dictionary
This piece is full of absolutely brutal news for Biden. He's botched the response to the debate even more than the debate itself. It's good he's recognized that he has a lot to prove to Democrats. I hope he will prove it. But, it's also worth preparing for the world in which he fails to do so.
Biden and aides concede he needs to quickly demonstrate his fitness for Critics have been shaken by his relative inaction to directly address the panic ignited by his halting debate performance last Thursday.
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Pro Russia leftists continue to get publicly humiliated every day as it becomes more and more obvious that Russia is supporting a far right power grab worldwide
No more hiding it, I guess. Russia comes out for Le Pen.
"Clyburn earlier on CNN said Biden needs to conduct “town-hall” style events to prove his mental acuity and assuage fears over his candidacy. " "One House aide said members feel betrayed by Biden and his staff because of how the president handled the aftermath of the debate."
House Democrats Consider Demanding Biden Withdraw From Dozens of Democratic lawmakers are considering signing a letter demanding President Joe Biden withdraw from the race, a senior party official said, as panic mounts that he’ll cost them control of Cong...
Folks, I understand: Trump is absolutely a fascist. It's incredibly important that the Democrats win. I also think (with the huge exception of Israel), Joe Biden has been a very good president. But, he's clearly not up to the task of winning this election. I want us to win. He can't do it.
look some people just don’t want to hear that this problem may be real. it’s easier to cope with that way