
It seems this deputy assistant administrator at the DEA believes that Adderall is basically street meth and, well, someone with that level of ignorance about pharmacology should simply not be employed by the DEA or any other drug-regulating agency.
These similarities apply just as much to GLP-1s. There's certainly more aggressive competition among drugmakers to produce and market GLP-1s, whereas the bulk of ADHD drugs are low-profit generics. So are we going to arbitrarily limit them too, or just ADHD drugs?
People also don't think about the other disorders that are also treated by drugs like Adderall - like narcolepsy. This isn't even just an ADHD problem. The year that I couldn't regularly get stimulants, my performance at work just fell apart because I was constantly having problems around sleep.
As someone who's ADHD and lethargy keeps them dependent on a stimulant, I resonate with this. im sorry you had to go through that.
ummm, maybe more drug manufacturers are making Adderall because there's been a fucking shortage for well over a year!
Given the shortage of ADHD meds that have been going on since 2020, I'm not sure this DEA agent has looked up the definition of epidemic. Couldn't have an opiate epidemic if every pharmacy from Maine to Texas is out of the pills 1 week out of the month.
As someone whose household has struggled to access both of these kind of drugs, it has been a total shit show.