
This column inadvertently offers insight into the self-absorbed & status-obsessed conservative mindset. Every parent has moments where they must will themselves to be a good parent. Conservatives do it to feel smugly superior; the rest of us do it for our children.
If you ever catch yourself thinking this way about other peoples' parenting, check yourself. If you write about it for public consumption, you're a scumbag.
I didn't understand this column. Haydn? Biden? WTF?
This is the part that got me, for two reasons: 1) This is textbook virtue signaling, from someone who constantly complains about that. 2) Hard to think of anything more shallow than pretending to be a good parent *not* because you'll then be a good parent for your kids, but to impress strangers.
A lot of undercooked pork getting eaten these days.
I call that kind of thing PBS - performative bullshit.