
“let people enjoy things” is one thing but also I think it is reasonable to ask people not to take the exact opposite message of the story they are watching most of them, let’s be frank, are not subtle
If you're asking "when did The Boys get woke" or "when did Star Wars get woke" or "when did Star Trek get woke" or "when did Doctor Who get woke" or "when did X-Men get woke" it might be time to face facts: you don't have the basic mental capacity to be able to handle watching TV or movies.
and can we finally at long last take "The Matrix" away from the right wingers? they don't deserve it, any part of it
Grimly amusing how the right-wing still claims ownership of "red pill" and The Matrix despite, y'know, this.
Remember when they tried to claim it was actually a reference to Total Recall? Because *that's* the scene everyone remembers from that movie. Yep.
Nazis should take the Braun pill.
I always found the red pill/blue pill the perfect metaphor for the right-wing. It doesn't matter which pill you take, the Matrix was just a movie, and you are still just living in a fantasy world.
I thought they all claim the red pill is laced with deadly things.