Nihl L'Amas

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Nihl L'Amas

Former llama paste processor.
@[email protected]
@nih_llamas on xitter (deleted 2023-10-02)
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They’re already doing the birtherism again. Lol
If they do put Kamala Harris on the top of the ticket, I am prepared for a level of misogynoir unwitnessed since Rosa Parks sat down on that bus.
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And they got one hell of a photo op out of it, too
Meanwhile eight states, seven Democratic trifectas (CA, CO, MA, ME, MI, MN, NM) and Vermont, took a lesson from the pandemic and made universal free school meals permanent.
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Ebi is just so perfect i want to cry look at this little teddy bear
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what if - instead of attempting to ban porn and end internet anonymity in the name of “protecting children” - we actually protected them by making sure they have enough to eat
Meanwhile eight states, seven Democratic trifectas (CA, CO, MA, ME, MI, MN, NM) and Vermont, took a lesson from the pandemic and made universal free school meals permanent.
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Taraji P. Henson “used her incredible platform to issue a warning and to repeat it again and again throughout the night: that a Donald Trump GOP win in November will undermine our fundamental rights.”
Trump’s new Big Lie that he doesn’t know about Project 2025 might take him Republicans are in a state of panic now that voters are paying attention to Project 2025, their plan for dictatorship. They should be.
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ah yes reservoir dogs, in which things famously go great for the characters
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WaPo confused Mark Takano with Ted Lieu. Oy. "The House Democrats who said Biden should drop out of the race were Adam Smith of Washington, Jerry Nadler of New York, Mark Takano of California and Joe Morelle of New York."
Four more Democrats in Congress call for Biden to step aside in the 2024 The new calls come from lawmakers who hold top Democratic positions on key congressional committees.
Another thing none of these fantasy writers have considered is how happy the Republicans will be to challenge the wacky celebrity orgy's nomination in state courts. And if you think "technically legal" will stop a MAGA judge from entertaining a long slow case, you are stupid.
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It drives me nuts when people say we need to make sure poor people have access to AI. The entire schtick is focused on providing AI slop to the masses while ensuring the elites get real human professionals. Having a human teacher or doctor or lawyer cannot become a bespoke luxury for the wealthy.
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All of the people indulging in these fantasy Democratic primary scenarios think that people vote reflexively because it’s what they themselves do; they don’t realize that turnout is a product of hard work. Unseen, unheralded work. By unseen, unheralded people.
I don’t know why they think pissing off the door-knockers and canvassing power of the party will end well, but these people don’t understand what they refuse to see
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3 more pediatric #flu deaths were reported to #CDC for the 2023-24 flu season. They occurred in late Jan, late April & early May. 1 was caused by H1N1, the other 2 were caused by untyped flu A & flu B viruses (1 each). This has been a bad year for pediatric flu deaths.
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If for no other reason, turn out to vote to spite the “men who have never done anything but sniff their own farts” club.
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..and now it’s time for Sunday Science..
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New neighbor just dropped. 💞
Things to remember... In 2020, Trump was telling states "you're on your own" but also stealing their supply shipments.
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Future Trump WH spokesman Catturd2 with the least predictable take on the French election results.
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Video and photos of Trump’s late night return to the White House, rumpled and dejected, quickly go viral.
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Amid an increasingly deadly pandemic and an economic crisis - and while offering no alternative health plan - the Trump administration formally calls on the Supreme Court to strike down the Affordable Care Act. At least 20 million Americans face losing their health insurance.
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July 7, 2020 As the pandemic continues to rage, Trump announces the United States is withdrawing from the World Health Organization. Candidate Joe Biden promises to immediately reverse this if elected. (He did, in his first hours in office.)
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Gavin Newsom is right: The New York Post’s story about our Vice President is racist and appalling.
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Tell every person you know that the GOP wants to ban porn. Let them imagine a hellscape where they both have no human rights and no legal sources of weird smut to drown their sorrows in
Yes, I absolutely do think over half the country cares about having their basic human rights taken away by a bunch of authoritarian freaks. For Christ’s sake, Project 2025 calls for banning PORN. We can get voters mad about this.
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my favorite part of this is that the author's view part of it just skips entirely over the part where you have to get oprah, michelle and barack obama, bill clinton, taylor swift and others to play along, like this is just a silly little thing, it's like reading a 5 year old's tea party guest list
Hey you guys wanna see the dumbest plan to replace Biden possible?
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Hey you guys wanna see the dumbest plan to replace Biden possible?
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We have a 102-101 Democratic majority in the Pennsylvania State House, winning that last seat by 58 votes out of 33K+ cast (a 0.18% margin), and fell short on the 103rd seat by 76 votes out of ~31K cast (0.24% margin). Every vote matters here, and every dollar helps.
I just gave to Pennsylvania House Democratic Campaign Committee! Show your support with a contribution.