
Here's the thing. Obviously a huge attack vector here is the far right completing their takeover of the Tory party, then relying on the media to dog Starmer every day about migration. The Labour right, of course, are both racist and weak so this will work.
It's not quite done here but Labour went from twenty points plus ahead to a ten point lead in six weeks. And that Reform vote is a lot of that Tory vote. Look at those numbers and tell me this Labour majority is one that lasts another election.
Extreme potential here given Labour's obsession with not seeming "weak" on migration that they spend their 170 majority term constantly ramping up border violence in order to appease the worst freaks in the party they just defeated.
The stat that compared to 2017 Labour have 3,000,000 fewer votes and compared to 2019 its 500,000 fewer should furrow some brows when the anti migration voters they picked up return to the Tory Reform party. But I thought they didn't need those voters any more? What?!
Oof. I mean given that they've promised to do fuck all, they're pretty much going to have to lean into the racism to shore that up.
Yeah but they're not going to leave the ECJ and you know Badenoch or Braverman Tories will head into the next election on that.
Oh yeah I mean obviously whatever they do won't work because the ice chewing freaks won't be happy until we're executing foreigners for having the temerity to exist near an Anglo, but that's never stopped a liberal party trying to appease them before, has it?
Great political system!
There's an inevitability to this already.