
Ah, I’d forgotten about the teeth-gnashing, jaw-grinding, vocal cord wrenching, heart-palpitating, stomach nauseating, eye-twitching, sight-blotchingly depths of joy & despair that come with dying to a Fromsoft boss with a single hit to win. We’re back, baby! #ShadowoftheErdtree
Starting it tonight! Can't wait to get utterly destroyed by brand new things.
Ah, Erin! I truly cannot wait for your thoughts on the Realm of Shadow and all the horror and beauty that lives there. Here for any and all moments of OMG and OMFG haha
Marty I was very deep in Belurat Gaol (which is Beautiful and Terrible) when I got clever girl-ed right off a cliff and I haven't laughed that hard in ages. Also Ghostflame Dragon is my new favorite dragon. Hope your Realm of Shadows travels are treating you kindly!
Ha, I too got caught in that moment; oh Fromsoft, never change. Ghostflames are so cool!! My journey is going well! In exploration mode for now, but having a blast. Hilarious moments like bludgeoned to death by blue worm friends, then bittersweetness of bringing comfort to the undead & forgotten.
I am also in exploration mode and it's making me very happy to have an NPC to run back to and say "I found a thing!" even though he'll probably use that information against me later somehow. It really does contain multitudes, and also lobsters which I totally ran away from.
Aw, yeah it's nice to have a friend until that friend remembers they're in a Fromsoft game & either decide you need to die o spiral into sadness/madness/both. My exploration revealed to me a boss I can't beat yet, so time for, you guessed it, more exploring! Hashtag Save Me Scadutree Fragments!