Marty Cahill

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Marty Cahill

Ignyte-nominated writer with words at Clarkesworld, Lightspeed, Catapult, Ghostfire Gaming, and more. Publicity/Marketing for Erewhon Books. Reviewer for Relentless runner of games. Black Lives Matter. He/Him. Opinions my own. Rep: Hannah Bowman
Just had a big "Ah-ha!" moment with the TTRPG I've been tinkering with for years. One of those moments where the rubber meets the road, when the mechanics find a way to really meld with the dice system. Very excited to see what this will do to the game!
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ALSO happy Friday! WE SURVIVED, IT IS WEEKEND EVE, today is a good day to pick up THE SIEGE OF BURNING GRASS, which the lovely sez "deserves to be on every Best Of list that will sprout up towards the end of the year"!
Pacifism and the True Effects of War: The Siege of Burning Grass by Premee Mohamed - A review of Premee Mohamed's science fiction new novel.
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Avatar says The Siege of Burning Grass "deserves to be on every Best Of list that will sprout up towards the end of the year." But what else does this science fiction rumination on war, nationalism, and revolution offer? Check out the review here!
Pacifism and the True Effects of War: The Siege of Burning Grass by Premee Mohamed - A review of Premee Mohamed's science fiction new novel.
If anyone is going to ALA, I'll be there with Erewhon Books and Kensington. We're going to have august clarke, Emily Rath, Monika Kim, and more!!!
Time to see what everyone's been talking about 👁️ THE EYES ARE THE BEST PART, the delicious & horrifying debut novel by Monika Kim is now available wherever books are sold! We hope you enjoy your time with Ji-won & that this incredible book leaves you hungry for more 💙🖤
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July promises to be pretty big, career-wise. Lots of possible writing announcements, my first story at a big venue . . . keep your eyes peeled!
July promises to be pretty big, career-wise. Lots of possible writing announcements, my first story at a big venue . . . keep your eyes peeled!
Ah, I’d forgotten about the teeth-gnashing, jaw-grinding, vocal cord wrenching, heart-palpitating, stomach nauseating, eye-twitching, sight-blotchingly depths of joy & despair that come with dying to a Fromsoft boss with a single hit to win. We’re back, baby! #ShadowoftheErdtree
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Strange Horizons is a marvel & deserves your support!
It's THAT time of the year again! The annual STRANGE HORIZONS FUND DRIVE is now live. To donate: Over the next 36 days, we're looking to raise $13,500 to stay alive through 2025, and beyond for some very special special issues!
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Just saw something so goddamn cool that I'm lucky enough to be a part of, and you'll be able to learn more very soon methinks (very soon for publishing anyway lol)
Just saw something so goddamn cool that I'm lucky enough to be a part of, and you'll be able to learn more very soon methinks (very soon for publishing anyway lol)
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One of my favourite books that I've read this year. Psychological horror at its finest.
When a novel has this much praise from this many legends, you KNOW there's to a reason. Find out why & more love Monika Kim's debut novel, THE EYES ARE THE BEST PART out 6/25! Preorder here:
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#Juneteenth might just be a good day to remind folks I wrote a Black queer novella about two men on different trying to define what freedom and a better world looks like. (Plus the boys are just always pretty to look at, TY always 🫶)
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Wrote 7K on REDACTED last Thursday, and jumping back into the novel today has yielded 5K words. Marty brain hurt, but heart happy? Yeah!!
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Sold a new story tonight, first magazine sale of the year! More news soon 🔥 This one makes 20 original short stories out there from me over the past 11 years. Pretty dang wild, gang 💜
Sold a new story tonight, first magazine sale of the year! More news soon 🔥 This one makes 20 original short stories out there from me over the past 11 years. Pretty dang wild, gang 💜
Quite happy to say I turned in REDACTED on time! Now to work on REDACTED!
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This morning I was called, "a walking green flag," by a total, wonderful stranger named Kay, and my heart feels like its about to burst. What a gift to start the day! 💚
This morning I was called, "a walking green flag," by a total, wonderful stranger named Kay, and my heart feels like its about to burst. What a gift to start the day! 💚
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This past weekend, I had the tremendous honor of hosting the 59th annual Nebula Awards. Everyone wanted to know, ahead of time, what I would wear. Here is the full fit breakdown, plus the full text of my opening remarks, which include a new toast for your dinner table.
The Nebula What I Said, And What I Wore
::supposed to be finishing REDACTED for an imminent deadline:: My brain: wouldn't it be funny to write something called, "Let's Double Check The Magic Bag,"?????
Reposted byAvatar Marty Cahill
"A brackish perfume, the retch of dead water from panicking lung, She walks down the aisle, dripping in a gown of wilted reeds & dead flowers, with the corpses of drowned bumblebees and hornets in Her long, tangled hair, sticky with dried, flaking blood." #WIP Guess who's writing terrifying Fae!
"A brackish perfume, the retch of dead water from panicking lung, She walks down the aisle, dripping in a gown of wilted reeds & dead flowers, with the corpses of drowned bumblebees and hornets in Her long, tangled hair, sticky with dried, flaking blood." #WIP Guess who's writing terrifying Fae!
Reposted byAvatar Marty Cahill
"Ah, with the move done, the massive stressor of 2024 is over--" ::looks over shoulder:: ::REDACTED deadline, Novel deadline, TTRPG design all stand there, waiting. Short stories sit on their shoulders like crows, just as noisy:: ::me, sweating:: "Yes, all is well now . . ."
"Ah, with the move done, the massive stressor of 2024 is over--" ::looks over shoulder:: ::REDACTED deadline, Novel deadline, TTRPG design all stand there, waiting. Short stories sit on their shoulders like crows, just as noisy:: ::me, sweating:: "Yes, all is well now . . ."
After a week off to unpack and begin to settle from the move, I'm currently wading through the cranberry bog that is my work inbox AND personal inbox AND social media, so encouraging thoughts are appreciated AND, universe, if you wanna send good news, I would NOT say no <333
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Reposted byAvatar Marty Cahill