
Nothing (and I'm including "SPRING BREAK AT SEX TIMES HIGH" 80s jiggle-fests) has aged as badly as the Fukuyama End-Of-History late-90s ennui flicks/shows. AMERICAN BEAUTY's tale of a dad with a home, job, wife and kids but being a little sad sometimes rings way too hollow in our current nightmare
It's true. The 90s were a magical time of rainbows and unicorns if you lived in the suburbs. Everyone found their lives extremely fulfilling.
The Sopranos even fits in this really You know Carmela would be full-on Qanon now
The "nobody had emotions in the 90s because things were easy" argument is facile. Yes, a movie made about "modern life" in the 1990s seems about as relevant now as, say, The Graduate did by 1995. Find a better critique. There are *plenty* to be made about that mediocre-ass film.