Clutchy McGritterson V12.3.77

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Clutchy McGritterson V12.3.77

Some guy who makes useless spreadsheets and does little of actual value. He/Him/His Imminence. Most posts made during interminable conference calls. I delete things after a few days.
Have been watching a lot of these I hadn't seen in a while these last few months... 10) Laserblast 9) Eegah 8) Overdrawn At The Memory Bank 7) Time Chasers 6) Cave Dwellers 5) Manos: The Hands Of Fate 4) The Final Sacrifice 3) I Accuse My Parents 2) Mitchell 1) Pod People
OH, AYE :D If we're talking a top ten ranking of MST3K eps, mine would probably go thusly: 10) Wizards of the Lost Kingdom I 9) Doctor Mordrid 8) The Day the Earth Froze 7) Squirm 6) Bride of the Monster 5) The Magic Voyage of Sinbad 4) Space Mutiny 3) The Final Sacrifice 2) Mitchell 1) Jack Frost
Lots of people taking leave of their senses is a good sign, right?
Dem weirdos dreaming up tournament-style solutions to Joe Biden being the nominee and Catturd-grade reactionary types crying about cheating in the French election have one crucial thing in common, which is that they transparently lack the emotional maturity and patience required to be sports fans.
🎵🎶 Life is a highway 🎶🎵 🎶🎵 It should be maintained 🎵🎶 🎵🎶 With public funds 🎶🎵
Having one of those moments where I think about the phrase "meteoric rise" and how that makes no sense, at all Like, that isn't what meteors do.
every time I see parliamentary returns from any European country I think of this Effortlessly Perfect Tweet
Anyway, I envy countries with remotely workable political systems, too. But, we don't have one of those, and cannot under our current constitution. You want something worse than 4 more years of Trump? Try holding a Constitutional Convention in America in 2024. Hahahah
I agree, let's follow the French template and develop a parliamentary democracy before November
I stand alone here upon an open sea, with two oceans and a whole continent between me and law.
Will Joe Biden disavow these Biden Bros going after our beloved institutions? This level of discourse is violence and should never be acceptable
Wow. has closed their Threads account and left the platform after days of getting just shredded in the replies for their handling of Biden post debate. Now they're getting dog piled on Instagram for running from Threads.
Supply-side economics is the greatest all-time example of starting with the results you want (no taxes, no regulation) and working backward to a theory that supports it. If you actually try to follow it front to back, it reads like Joseph Smith's invention of Mormonism.
But that's the beauty of supply-side economics... demand doesn't matter!
It's always trickle down economics and never grow up economics. People who have more money, spend more money. You'd think capitalists would understand this very basic concept.
Bullock went to great pains to point out (as have others) that Hitler wasn't a fan of christianity. But he was raised Catholic and was "impressed by the organization and power" of the Catholic Church. So, you know, Hitler could've been worse. He could have actually believed in it.
Historians speculate that if Hitler had been catholic his mustache might have looked something like this
She is, in terms of ideology, BY FAR the most dangerous person on the court, and has been since the day she was confirmed.
The Handmaid has, I won't say expressed, but at least alluded to some theoretical ethical framework which might pretend to justify her colleagues' naked opportunism, and the boys at Axios could not keep it in their pants.
Amy Coney Barrett makes her She stands out from the conservative pack.
Well now I cant stop
Perhaps eating this entire bag of cheese puffs will solve my problems?
I have to admit every time I hear someone say something is "God's will", I want to lop their head off with a machete. Who's to say that it's not God's will that I lop your head off with a machete?
no difference
I am here to once again declare that John Cena should star in an Ernest legacy sequel where he plays Ernest P. Worrell's improbably jacked son (it is never explained in any way why he is jacked)
Just a reminder that Michelle Wolf nailed it at the White House Correspondents Dinner. NYT, I’m looking in your direction especially.
I don't want to defend the media, and especially not the NYT or Op-Ed writers, etc. They suck balls. Our "political media" causes nearly as many problems for this country as the politicians. That said, at least be clear-minded about *why*. They don't really give a fuck who wins.
There IS something to talk about re: Biden - a much higher chance he isn't the eventual nominee than Trump. Most, not all, of this is the media being shitty in the exact same way they've always been shitty - they want eyeballs. Biden is where the heat is, and where it's easiest to create more.
Why is the pundit class so desperate to push Biden out of the race? | Rebecca Yes, Biden had a bad debate – but so did Trump. The media is once again repeating the mistakes of 2016
Someone should go to the grocery store for me because I would like some groceries but I would not like to go to the grocery store.
I find it amusing that if I use an IP in Europe, a lot of websites give me the option of declining all sorts of cookies and things.
Well, I was going to get rid of it by eating it, so I guess I'm glad I read that sub-header there.
My most endearing quality is that I just type whatever I'm thinking and sometimes I change my mind mid-sentence about what word I want to use or how I want to phrase something and I never go back and take the old stuff out, so it just ends up being gibberish.