
Started a long-term Senior Writer contract that pays monthly; for the first time in a bit longer than that I won't be 100% reliant on royalties and Patreon for my income. A level of security that is frankly alien to me.
The new job is focused on higher-level/showrunner duties - outlining, revisions, long-term planning, and very little prose writing, all in a style different from my own. Won't be an issue, but I think I'll need some kind of side-project to keep my edge.
For the first time in decades though this side-project doesn't have to be approached with an eye for commercial viability. I can make the thing just to make the thing. I won't be depending on it for the rent. I've been a creative professional for so long that I have no idea what to do with this.
Y'know, back when I first reached out to you, this was a large part of why. I have a similar problem where I've spent so long learning how to implement the ideas I used to have, that I found I no longer have the ideas. what a sucky realization