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Senior writer making stuff on the side.
Not much What's anime with you?
Something I’ve been meaning to ask for a while now: what’s anime
Tried a new decaf because I like the taste of coffee and would like a warm evening beverage. Tasted like disappointment and unmet expectations. Decaf always tastes watered down or lacking in depth. I don't think I'll ever find one that I enjoy.
"Write what you know" is about emotional experience. You can write about dragons without seeing one, but you need to go and get your heart broken to write about its heartache. Go out, inhale life and exhale art. If all you do is read about life, you'll be making a copy of a copy. Go make mistakes.
if u see this, quote-post with your tips for writers that no one gives anymore because they seem obvious (even though they're not)
Just got a mechanical keyboard and holy FUCK do I love that clickity-clack.
For the first time in fourteen years I have a full-time job that draws a steady check, instead of relying on royalties. This job? Thanks to all the experience I picked up over the last decade writing novels, audiodrama, games, etc, it pays pretty well. My title is "senior writer."
When I started writing novels I went with self-publishing because I was broke and couch-surfing and couldn't afford to spend a year or two waiting for payment. Now I'm working full-time and thinking about writing another book. Maybe I'll go the trad publishing route this time?
Reposted byAvatar mcoorlim
We're still rebuilding subscriptions (since Amazon abandoned them) and pushing back against the generated submissions on a daily basis. We'd like to keep doing so. The path forward requires us to keep shouting from the rooftops, so... Thank you!
Reposted byAvatar mcoorlim
Blog post alert! I wrote a 2-parter about game scope. Today's piece is about how to reduce the size of your project, if you found that it's not viable. It also has some marketing tips for some reason! #gamedev #indiedev #solodev
Key Feature: How to Reduce Game Scope | New to Blog | Is your game too big? Learn how to trim it down by identifying a key feature, an MVP and the narrative scope.
This gif should be animated.
go down to the comic book store and pickitup pickitup pickitup
If I had any goddamn sense I'd be doing a video on Wasteland to tie-in with the Amazon Fallout series, but here's something on Pong because I refuse to deviate from my chronological format
Oops, all Pong: Console Gen 1 [1975] A history of the first games you could hook up to your television. C...
Reposted byAvatar mcoorlim
Hey just a reminder that every artist and writer and creative gig person you know is currently dying from paying last year's taxes + this year's estimated taxes, and now is a great time to put a few dollars in their patreon or ko-fi or whatever
At a loose end and not sure what kind of project to take up. Should I write another novel? Start a web serial? Write some #interactiveFiction? An action RPG or sim game in #godotEngine? Videos on video game history? A #ttrpg campaign book? I need a side project now that I have a day job.
I think it'd be neat to go back and adapt some of my novels into point n' click adventure games, but no way I could do the visuals. I'm capable of low-res #pixelArt stick figures at best. #gameDev
If I ever get back to my steampunk series, the next novel will be something like "All Hail King Ludd."
Reposted byAvatar mcoorlim
For a small fee, I'll attend your enemy's short story workshop with opinions on their use of dialog tags.
For a small fee, I'll attend your enemy's short story workshop and remark that their use of commas leaves something to be desired.
Started a long-term Senior Writer contract that pays monthly; for the first time in a bit longer than that I won't be 100% reliant on royalties and Patreon for my income. A level of security that is frankly alien to me.
Is her full name Peach Toadstool or is it Toadstool Peach?
Ten years ago a resistance band slipped and snapped me right in the fucking eye, scarring the cornea. Now whenever it gets too dry, the scar opens up, blinding me with pain - often while I'm sleeping. Shit way to wake up, folks. Happens every few months.
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Reposted byAvatar mcoorlim
Talked about disco Elysium exactly once yesterday and now it’s all I can think about.
Reposted byAvatar mcoorlim
Very bad, sad news from the other site. Rest in peace, Sassycrass. You deserved better.
Followup interview went well. May have found gainful employment as a senior writer. Am cautiously optimistic, the only kind of optimistic.
Reposted byAvatar mcoorlim
Bluesky is officially “open” now (no more invites). So just a reminder to not engage with trolls and bad actors, there is no algorithm here to promote or spread them, replying to them is what puts them on everybody’s timelines. So block and give no oxygen.
Mel Brooks could never make Blazing Saddles today, because Cleavon Little, Gene Wilder, and Madelin Kahn are dead. Give it a few years until Warner Bros lawyers discover the loophole that gives them the license to use the likenesses of all their dead actors to create AI deepfakes.
Reposted byAvatar mcoorlim
Welcome to the bsky game dev orientation 🧵! Let's get you started with the basics of bsky, finding other devs, and posting about your games! Btw, this is based on the amazing artist orientation thread from; make sure to check it out if you’re also in the art side of game dev!
Welcome to the Bluesky artist orientation 🧵! This will get you started on the basics of how this network works, how to connect with other artists, and how to get your art seen. If you’re a furry, I also highly recommend checking out's furry orientation thread below: