
Walaa & her family aren't part of the #GazaDonorMatch lineup, but her situation is awful AND it's disability pride month, so if you donate to her this weekend, my husband & i will double it ourselves. receipts:, .meaverly. on discord, or DM for email (1/2)
A quick update guys: We reached 8,011 till now guys 🥺 keep sharing and if you can help and donate do it let’s help them reach their goal remember even 5$ can help them. we’re all capable of helping them ✊ let’s do it 💪
(2/2) ALSO: is looking for someone to help her promote walaa's #GazaGFM campaign — i'm at capacity right now, so if anyone can be her promotional copilot, her DMs are open and she could really use the support! ❤️‍🔥 liberty & justice for palestine and its people ❤️‍🔥
Thank you so much for your help and generosity.🥺💗💗
you’re welcome, i hope it helps get her some more attention money! thank you for speaking with me about her and her family’s situation
And thank you for caring about the situation and speaking about it.❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
i’m happy to help more people hear her story and how much you care for her and her family. i hope we can make a good-sized donation on monday!
I hope so really 🥺 thank you again for your generosity 💗💗