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“it’s spelled phonetically”
husbroad (she/her type) • compulsive armenia poster

join #GazaDonorMatch and double your donation to a #GazaGFM!

discord: .meaverly.
this is eight clear, concise, essential paragraphs. it's devastating. please, please keep taking action to demand a ceasefire, donate to people's evactuation funds — e.g., #GazaDonorMatch — anything. i don't know if the international "we" can stop this genocide, but we must keep trying.
SPOT THE DIFFERENCE (please tell me you can spot the giant glaring racist difference)
hey hey last day for double-your-money donations to a #GazaGFM! donate to any of these campaigns and get your gift matched TWO-TO-ONE, i.e., you give 5, we'll give 10! c'est si bon! 1. #GazaDonorMatch, a pool of money from donors who prefer anonymity. donate, submit receipt, get 2:1 matching! ⤵️
seeing #GazaGFM accounts i put #GazaDonorMatch together to help get reposted WITHOUT telling donors they could get their gift(s) matched makes me 😱 just point them to one of my 8 billion posts ⬇️ about it! help get more people to give more money! 2:1 matching all weekend—i only want to give more 💴
3-7 JULY FUNDRAISING SPECIAL! 1. #GazaDonorMatch will match donos 2:1 to everyone we spotlight; thread with links ⬇️, receipts ➡️ google form 2. my family will match gifts to walaa's #GazaGFM 2:1. receipts ➡️ ME (t.me/waronmicroplastics; DM for email)! spread the love; give to 2 or 3! or 8! and SHARE!
Help Walaa, who is paraplegic, and family in Gaza, organized by Amanda Graygofund.me Hi, I am Amanda and I am a Brit who has become friends with a family and… Amanda Gray needs your support for Help Walaa, who is paraplegic, and family in Gaza
did you know beth stern is a fucking asshole who is making this pregnant KITTEN with an eye rupture wait to have her eye fixed until she gives birth in 6 weeks? when she could have a spay-abort and have her eye treated asap? so many kittens right now don’t even have foster homes; this is fucked.
george orwell was trash and didn’t deserve his incredible wife, who in her penultimate letter to him apologized for needing her uterine tumors removed because she didn’t “think [she was] worth the cost” (the aithor, anna funder, is great, her book Stasiland is also 💯)
Wifedomshare.libbyapp.com This is the story of the marriage behind some of the most famous literary works of the 20th century - and a probing consideration of what it means to be a wife and a writer in the modern worldSimply, ...
i don’t want to cover up my WEEKEND FUNDRAISER SPECTACULAR but i have a theory about why i get so sleepy during the day and i think it has to do with my blood pressure being btw 98/78 and 85/68 when i’ve taken it the past few days. it’s always low, but not “husband giving me the hospital eye” low
#GazaDonorMatch is doing 2:1 matching for all donations to our man akram this weekend! take advantage of it! his sister is very sick and needs to get treatment ASAP! just give gofund.me/287e2003, submit your receipt forms.gle/i2v9p4jfeVpfMPAm9, and we’ll donate that amount x2 on monday! come on!
i need a little break from this, so i’m going to post this reminder of the two 2:1 matching #GazaGFM donations specials we’re holding this weekend and go away. this is your chance to make your donos—whether to our #GazaDonorMatch people or to Walaa in particular—go 2x further. please take it!
3-7 JULY FUNDRAISING SPECIAL! 1. #GazaDonorMatch will match donos 2:1 to everyone we spotlight; thread with links ⬇️, receipts ➡️ google form 2. my family will match gifts to walaa's #GazaGFM 2:1. receipts ➡️ ME (t.me/waronmicroplastics; DM for email)! spread the love; give to 2 or 3! or 8! and SHARE!
Help Walaa, who is paraplegic, and family in Gaza, organized by Amanda Graygofund.me Hi, I am Amanda and I am a Brit who has become friends with a family and… Amanda Gray needs your support for Help Walaa, who is paraplegic, and family in Gaza
reminder that #GazaDonorMatch will match all donations to noor’s #GazaGFM 2:1 this weekend! you have through sunday to donate gofund.me/b3fda2f6 & send your receipt forms.gle/i2v9p4jfeVpfMPAm9! no email collection, privacy respected, dm with Qs. all our beneficiaries deserve to hope without fear ⬇️
Even hope has become terrifying.
my husband accidentally joined a small mutual aid group last night; he and our no. 1 #GazaDonorMatch donor (SHE'S GIVEN TO EVERYONE, TWICE) were chatting about how shameful it is that so few cat welfare orgs are even speaking on gaza, let alone promoting sulala, and the next thing you know...
"Come what may, we will need strong networks of community members who are deeply invested in their shared values & one another’s survival. Now is the time to build those connections, sharpen your skills, & build the rebellious culture of care we’ll need to defend each other in this decaying empire"
3-7 JULY FUNDRAISING SPECIAL! 1. #GazaDonorMatch will match donos 2:1 to everyone we spotlight; thread with links ⬇️, receipts ➡️ google form 2. my family will match gifts to walaa's #GazaGFM 2:1. receipts ➡️ ME (t.me/waronmicroplastics; DM for email)! spread the love; give to 2 or 3! or 8! and SHARE!
IT'S THE #GazaDonorMatch WEEKEND SPECIAL! From 3-7 July, donate to our #GazaGFM beneficiaries & we'll match it 2:1! Submit your receipt(s) ASAP — forms.gle/i2v9p4jfeVpfMPAm9 — so we can get that money into the hands of: @akramabdelwahed.bsky.social gofund.me/287e2003 Anas (?!) gofund.me/9fc790f4 ⤵️
Help Walaa, who is paraplegic, and family in Gaza, organized by Amanda Graygofund.me Hi, I am Amanda and I am a Brit who has become friends with a family and… Amanda Gray needs your support for Help Walaa, who is paraplegic, and family in Gaza
miranda's the best, look at this! RESOURCES! in ONE PLACE!
➕📓 Resources for Fundraising: Gaza, Bluesky, and Spam Labels 📍: here's where you can find this post, it should be pinned to the feed. bsky.app/profile/did:... 🗂️: this is an index. Check here if you're trying to find something. 🧵: this is a thread, scroll down! Updates will be in the replies.
Walaa & her family aren't part of the #GazaDonorMatch lineup, but her situation is awful AND it's disability pride month, so if you donate to her this weekend gofund.me/97bbc7b5, my husband & i will double it ourselves. receipts: t.me/waronmicroplastics, .meaverly. on discord, or DM for email (1/2)
A quick update guys: We reached 8,011 till now guys 🥺 keep sharing and if you can help and donate do it let’s help them reach their goal remember even 5$ can help them. we’re all capable of helping them ✊ let’s do it 💪
IT'S THE #GazaDonorMatch WEEKEND SPECIAL! From 3-7 July, donate to our #GazaGFM beneficiaries & we'll match it 2:1! Submit your receipt(s) ASAP — forms.gle/i2v9p4jfeVpfMPAm9 — so we can get that money into the hands of: @akramabdelwahed.bsky.social gofund.me/287e2003 Anas (?!) gofund.me/9fc790f4 ⤵️
solidarity with our trans siblings/comrades/friends in the UK today
When they push for expanding what a grc does it is actively an oppressive move. It sets out who does not have the rights
it is a GREAT LONG WEEKEND to give to #GazaGFM accounts. we get pictures of haiah—gaza’s foremost internally displaced kitten—AND #GazaDonorMatch is doing 2:1 matching on all your donations through sunday! what do we want? kitten pics & freedom from war! when do we want it? NOW!* *(MEOW!)
Just a few days left! Tomorrow I’ll post a few more previews!
ATTENTION ATTENTION for the fourth of july weekend—call it an anti-patriotism special—WE WILL MATCH ALL DONATIONS TO ANY OF THE #GazaDonorMatch BENEFICIARIES 1:2! so when you give $10, we’ll give $20! this counts for all donos dated from 3-7 july! so do the thing! save some lives! tell everyone! ⬇️
It’s Week 3 of #GazaDonorMatch, and we have lots of donor funds to give away. so donate to one (or more!) of the #GazaGFM accounts below and submit the receipt(s) to forms.gle/i2v9p4jfeVpfMPAm9, so we can match your donation 1:1! Click through for spotlights on each family we’re fundraising for!
ANOTHER Gazan gets slapped with a spam label and loses their account! Revised graphic here! 1. Donate to @anas-fromgaza.bsky.social & his family: gofund.me/9fc790f4 2. Submit receipt(s) so we can match your gift: forms.gle/i2v9p4jfeVpfMPAm9 3. Share their story everywhere! #GazaDonorMatch #GazaGFM
Reposted byAvatar mɛverly
Ohhhh my god I shouldn't let my anger lead me to despair? I should let it radicalize me? Should we throw a party? Should we invite voting?
It’s Week 3 of #GazaDonorMatch, and we have lots of donor funds to give away. so donate to one (or more!) of the #GazaGFM accounts below and submit the receipt(s) to forms.gle/i2v9p4jfeVpfMPAm9, so we can match your donation 1:1! Click through for spotlights on each family we’re fundraising for!
if anyone knows why @anasgaza1.bsky.social's account has been suspended, i'd love to hear it. His GFM is over the halfway mark and unless he left willingly, cutting off access to social media to someone in Gaza is not great.
listening to ilan pappé during your 11pm shower is real stupid, like now it’s 2:30 and i’m harrowed by thoughts of forced marches into the desert when this is designated cry-about-my-cat time
oh, murderbot
“Can I ask you a question?” I never know how to answer this. Should I go with my first impulse, which is always “no” or just give in to the inevitable?
Reposted byAvatar mɛverly
the fact that the left and centre in France have both said that the third place candidates will drop out is getting basically no play in a US press going full apeshit over Round 1 results and yes it is so that you think fascism is inevitable globally so why not here
THE sentence of the day: A Macronist incumbent in the Marseille region came in 3rd in her seat. She just dropped out to support the left. She said, about why she's maneuvering to block the far-right: "Defeats happen, but you can never recover from dishonor."
need to update #GazaDonorMatch with new graphics but it's hard to get into that DONATION ENTHUSIASM mindset when a bunch of fascist catholic creeps just reintroduced a monarchy. real quick: we disbursed the first round of funds and have PLENTY leftover to match you 1:1 so keep going, please!
my husband has been on telegram for two hours and he’s making these pronouncements: “i did the research: we’re getting a revolver.” “you need to take self-defense classes and we’re going to get you one of those all-spikes.” “i’m more comfortable with a shotgun, but it’s just not practical”
look at this sweet-faced kid! what wouldn't you do to save the son you tried nine years for? me, i'd donate to emad gofund.me/0c82a615 and submit my receipt to this form (forms.gle/i2v9p4jfeVpfMPAm9) so #GazaDonorMatch could match your gift 1:1! and i'd tell mohammed he looks cool in his messi kit.
This is Mohammed 11 years old His is the only child for my brother after 9 years suffering and trying and spending alot of money to get him alive My brother lost his house and job during this war and now trying to save his only child Please help us to save them all for a better life and education 🙏
they're right, you know.
shut up (general) about downloading telegram and just do it already you can listen to people FROM GAZA AND ALL OF OCCUPIED PALESTINE DIRECTLY