
got hit by a car on the way to work today. the bike and i should be okay but damn. life can be tough sometimes. the bruises are going to suck.
Ah bru! What happened. I’m sorry to hear that. How’s your mental state? It’s jarring and unpleasant I know
car blew a stop sign and clipped me. didn’t hit my head so that’s good. honestly, i was shaken up but now i’ve got an attitude of gratitude and i’m glad to be alive even if it’s a bit painful right now.
I hope you heal well. Good luck. Happy to chat about the ptsd of getting hit in a dm if you like.
So sorry that happened to you, man. :( A friend of mine got clipped by somebody turning right into a parking lot a couple weeks back. Fucking drivers think they can’t be delayed by a few seconds, will take out anybody in the process.