
This is called, “The Miracle Question” It’s designed to help us not only imagine a better future, but also to elicit concrete information regarding what “better” means to us. We can’t take action towards a future we can’t imagine. So the first step is knowing how to actually recognize “better” 4U
It's 2035. You just walked out your door into a world that got through the shocks of 2024 -26 more connected, a little ecologically healthier, with civil and human rights strengthened & with commitment to actually being a just & ecological society. What's the 1st thing you see?
In its most basic form, it’s used in time-limited therapies to help providers conceptualize what the client’s goals are. It sounds something like: Imagine a miracle occurs tonight while you sleep, and the problem that brought you here gets solved. How will you know when you awake that it happened?
In other words, what would actually be different in our day to day life, absent this problem? There is always the possibility that we can advance our lives towards meeting our goals, without having the power to fix all the problems getting in our way. That’s the basic tenet of time-limited therapy
Here, Dr. Swain is taking it to the next step - organization and actualization What skills are needed to help build this future, and how do we access/learn them? Where do we seek counsel, who do we turn to for wisdom, and why? How would we know if it were helping? How could we tell, if it weren’t?
Thank you for these response. Now for your level two imagination challenge: you go to the town square, the public library, the civic center and there are posters for upcoming meetings, for skill share, decision making, learning, and problem solving. What do they say?