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Hello, I'm nobody. Are you nobody too?

He/They, Sé/é
One of the most important lessons I've learned in my life is that, if God in his all his wisdom and knowledge has not given up on me, I don't have a right to give up on me.
Unless they're the Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Laborer Party, then they can manage to do literally anything with a 1 vote majority.
You don't get to claim being the best option just because the bar set by the other guys is so low its in Hades.
I think my Programing Logic professor put it best: "You should learn to use these tools effectively, but remember that computers can really only do one thing: Tell if there is electricity present in any given location. You still have to do all the thinking on its behalf."
As far as I'm concerned, if he was willing to say what he said to the person, he shouldn't have any qualms with storing what he said in a digital format. Like there is nothing unethical about remembering things in internal storage, so why would it be unethical to put it on external storage?
I'm a fan of privacy and security, don't get me wrong. But privacy rule #1: Don't say anything in a public space that you wouldn't want to be heard by the public.
Ah youth, when making friends was easy and everyone didn't have like 12 layers of trauma coating you had to get through before they even decide to put you in their contacts.
Hear me out... We start a Facebook event and a go-fund me. It didn't work for Area 51, but it might work for this.
Like how hard could it possibly be to raise... [mathing...] $662,791,850,220 for baking soda?
Is there no way to neutralize the acid?
My tendency to wake myself up with wraith and spite for the current state of the world may not be healthy but it works. I'm no longer sleepy, it has been replaced by fury.
Reminder that Joe Biden: - Threw railroad workers under the bus - Has done nothing to prevent another East Palestine - Is actively aiding a genocide in Gaza right now - Has done nothing but concede to the right on the border I don't wanna hear shit about that rat being "lesser of two evils"
His evil has just been given a bath and put in a nice suit.
While most people will likely still end up voting for him, many of us find no reason to support him. He's a senial old liberal who threw rail workers under the bus, is actively supporting and aiding a genocide in Gaza, and failed to accomplish many of his promises.
His value is not being Trump. I'm tired of people pretending this is a "Don't let perfect be the enemy of good" situation, cause Biden's not good. He's a shit leader, he's a shit orator, and he's just as evil as the rest of them. He's just not Trump. That is all, nothing more to it.
I will not be entirely pleased on any social media site until I have every Zionist and Israeli apologist on my block list. I am sorry God, but I have no more patience or tolerance for such evil. From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free.
You're allowed to shout fire in a crowded theatre when there is a fucking fire in the theatre.
Yeah, and locally run models don't require fuck tons of water and electricity, which is a big bonus.
Reposted byAvatar Melancholy
There is a brilliant "lost" verse for "This land is your land" by Woody Guthrie that I loved so much that I created a comic from it as a tribute. It's really sad how few people know about it, I felt like it needed some love.
Of all the jobs that can be automated with A.I., Creatives like writers and artists are quite literally the least replaceable. Yet CEOs could probably be 95% replaced by A.I. or a crack team of bureaucrats, offering much larger savings than laying off your art team, yet no one suggests it.
Now that I've really thought more about it, My draw towards more devices that are more specialized is probably a result of the period of time when I had to go without a cell phone. The fact that one device breaking caused me to lose access to every utility probably made me desire redundancy.
A smartphone just doesn't provide enough fault tolerance. I feel need a device for each category of use, so that if I lose one, I'm not entirely up shitscreek without a paddle.
tbh, if I wanted to really think deeper about it. My issue is probably more about Smartphones as a product, rather than Multi-function devices as a concept. Smartwatches are probably my ideal for a multi-function device. Also I wish they weren't so mandatory for bloody everything now-a-days.
I keep a laptop, a flip phone, and a smartphone that isn't actually connected to the cellular network on my person. It works out well. Though, I want to swap the smartphone for a smartwatch, cause it's a bit too big just for the sake of being a GPS & 2FA dongle.
People should really learn the difference between "Living under capitalism" and "Being a capitalist" An artist needing to sell their work to survive isn't "being a capitalist", they are still a Working Class. A capitalist is someone who directly profits off another person's labor, not their own.
Also related complaint, I know why people do it, from the day I started having a wallet, it has bothered me when folks try to give me both the cash and the coinage in the same hand.