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Hello, I'm nobody. Are you nobody too?

He/They, Sé/é
One of the most important lessons I've learned in my life is that, if God in his all his wisdom and knowledge has not given up on me, I don't have a right to give up on me.
You don't get to claim being the best option just because the bar set by the other guys is so low its in Hades.
My tendency to wake myself up with wraith and spite for the current state of the world may not be healthy but it works. I'm no longer sleepy, it has been replaced by fury.
Reminder that Joe Biden: - Threw railroad workers under the bus - Has done nothing to prevent another East Palestine - Is actively aiding a genocide in Gaza right now - Has done nothing but concede to the right on the border I don't wanna hear shit about that rat being "lesser of two evils"
I will not be entirely pleased on any social media site until I have every Zionist and Israeli apologist on my block list. I am sorry God, but I have no more patience or tolerance for such evil. From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free.
Reposted byAvatar Melancholy
There is a brilliant "lost" verse for "This land is your land" by Woody Guthrie that I loved so much that I created a comic from it as a tribute. It's really sad how few people know about it, I felt like it needed some love.
Of all the jobs that can be automated with A.I., Creatives like writers and artists are quite literally the least replaceable. Yet CEOs could probably be 95% replaced by A.I. or a crack team of bureaucrats, offering much larger savings than laying off your art team, yet no one suggests it.
Now that I've really thought more about it, My draw towards more devices that are more specialized is probably a result of the period of time when I had to go without a cell phone. The fact that one device breaking caused me to lose access to every utility probably made me desire redundancy.
People should really learn the difference between "Living under capitalism" and "Being a capitalist" An artist needing to sell their work to survive isn't "being a capitalist", they are still a Working Class. A capitalist is someone who directly profits off another person's labor, not their own.
make a band milder Shinkick Murphy's
make a band milder And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Bread
Make a movie milder The Peaceful Protestor Banker
Make a movie milder Puppy Day Afternoon
Happy Birthday, artist I've never once seen before until today! Love your style btw. It is, as the kids say, *Chef's kiss*
Hello, today is my Birthday! ✨And the best gift for an artist is a retweet of his artworks 🌱🍃
Reminder: Our forebearers did not fight, bleed, and die for every right we have and had, just for you to curl up and surrender when the battle gets tough. Victory is at hand, even when it seems like a distant dream. One day, we will be free, every single one of us. The resistance is immortal.
Another great metric of judging a culture or society is their bread, or their equivalent.
One of the many good metrics for judging society is how it treats their children, their mothers, and their deceased. Unless the deceased is my girlfriend's father or Marget Thatcher, then they're fair game.
Reposted byAvatar Melancholy
T.S. Sullivant drew this over 100 fucking years ago.
Robotics is one of those fields where I feel both incredibly hopeful, but also incredibly "black-pilled." I love robots, and I love to see all the advances we've made on them in the past few years. But I don't trust the Capitalist system to use them ethically, and it could harm all of us.
Why is Laika not a bigger part of human culture? We should be putting carvings of Laika on the caskets of Astronauts and Cosmonauts, so that she may watch over them as they enter into the afterlife.
I struggle with watching anything that isn't a self-contained plot. Like, something has to have a definitive beginning and a definitive end for me to really watch it. Doesn't matter how long it is, 4 minutes or 4 hours, as long as I know I'll have a conclusion by the end of it, I'll watch it.
If I had a nickel for every other account I've seen with a white skull with a cross on its forehead on a black background as their pfp, I would have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that there are 3 of us.
Something I saw on Tumblr once that stuck with me was a statement poking fun at my fellow leftists, went something like: "Leftists will talk about starting a commune but can't even be normal about children in public spaces."
One of the weird things I've noticed with AnCaps and other Right-Libertarians is their blindness to how similar Corporations and companies are to a Planned economic system. And how a system based entirely on contracts and property rights is literally just what Feudalism was.
Wishing a happy and safe Pride Month to those who celebrate (observe?) If you go on parades, remember to drink plenty of water, and if necessary, wear sunscreen.
I support "tasteful" annotations and doodles in books. I support cosmetic damage and coffee rings on the pages. I support worn and frayed covers and spines. Books are to be loved an enjoyed, they are not artifacts to be coddled. How you enjoy a story should tell its own story.
One of the many good metrics for judging society is how it treats their children, their mothers, and their deceased. Unless the deceased is my girlfriend's father or Marget Thatcher, then they're fair game.
Atheism and Religion do not inherently have political affiliations, usually. But there honestly is a disturbing overlap between Right-wing Atheists and Right-wing Religious folks, even if they claim to be diametrically opposed.
That wonderful feeling when you're listening to music in another language, but you have some familiarity with it, so it basically just sounds like: [Beautiful music] La Bruja [more beautiful music]
Reposted byAvatar Melancholy
The old websites are dying, the new websites are struggling to be born. Now is the time of posting through it
If I had a nickel for every song about gay Christians feeling split between their love for a person and the teachings of their faith in my folk playlist, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's interesting I've found two.