
If you hear next week that the RNC has "moderated" on abortion by dropping a 20-week-ban from the platform or somesuch, here's me telling you now that it doesn't mean anything close to "moderation" when it's these guys running the show.
Listen Closely to the Men Crafting the GOP’s Anti-Abortion The main dispute within Trump’s Republican Party is not about how severely to punish women for having abortions, but merely how to “frame the argument.”
It will be about moderation until they get Trump elected. After that happens, they will freely talk about the coming "Handmaids Model" for managing female reproductive capacity.
Without looking to fiction, they already have models in US history to draw on: sterilization w/o consent for those deemed “undesirable,” coercive childbearing for those deemed “valuable.” Denying reproductive autonomy, whether by slaveholders or medical professionals, is more the norm than not.
Yes, but history is easy to deny. Everyone thinks they are too sophisticated to make those mistakes again. That's how they laugh off the Hitler and Mussolini comparisons. I bet their masterminds cringe whenever they see some MAGA make an explicit reference to them. Best to make it all look new.