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Ferret | 31 | He/him | Bi | Anxious extrovert | Short story writer | Cute boyfriend:

18+ Followers Only!

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So Furry:
Coworkers: "Please review my code since you're the only consistent and early reviewer on our team. I also won't be bothered to review your stuff on time." Coworkers: "Stop commenting so much on my reviews; you're finding too many issues." Either find someone else or stop asking me to be a yes man.
🎼 Yo, the name is BATTY 🎼 The logic is ERRATIC 🎼 Potato in a JACKET 🎼 Toys in the ATTIC
Played Worms again for the first time in literal years and had lots of wacky fun, although the newest turn-based entry is still janky as heck. We don't talk about Worms Rumble. #Worms
The Hanu in Dawntrail are the cutest damn creatures and I want to hug every single one of them. #FFXIV
I've seen multiple of these in the past few days and the vehicles have such a hideous design.
i cannot wait to urinate on a cybertruck. i am going to simply blast it with peepee
Tried out Aliens: Fireteam Elite and it's a lot better than I expected; there was clearly heart put into this despite the low budget. #AliensFireteamElite
The seventh episode of The Boys: Season 3 was mostly fun and better than the sixth, which isn't hard to do. These writers really are just banking everything on this finale and the next season being the coolest things ever; I'm not sure if this buildup is going to pay off, but we'll see. #TheBoys
As I grow older and work more, Panda in Polar Bear Café increasingly becomes more of a mood.
We finally got around to watching the sixth episode of The Boys: Season 3 and I guess that extremely specific thing that I somehow already knew about is just going to be nationwide knowledge now. #TheBoys
Mister Mello does not want to be back at his software work today; he would much rather be paid to be a goofy clown or something.
It should be illegal for to be this ridiculously cute. #FFXIV
We are now reunited with the wonderful Lil' Man, and he has been a great bean overall! #Hedgehog
I do not like motion sickness one bit.
"I'm following the drunk horse." This is a sentence that would only make sense when spoken at a furry convention. #Anthrocon
The Boys + Final Fantasy XIV Oh no.
Star Trek: Enterprise / Root ...huh. XD
Chilling by the waterfront now; this is where most furries who aren't dancing seem to be. #Anthrocon
Gonna be wandering around the remaining convention spaces for the rest of the night, so feel free to say hello if you want. Safe travels to everybody leaving tonight, and thanks for being really awesome. Extra thanks to the wonderful volunteers who make this convention possible as well! #Anthrocon
Gonna be wandering around the remaining convention spaces for the rest of the night, so feel free to say hello if you want. Safe travels to everybody leaving tonight, and thanks for being really awesome. Extra thanks to the wonderful volunteers who make this convention possible as well! #Anthrocon
Hopefully improved my health with how much outdoor exposure and overall walking that I've gotten in the convention and surrounding city. #Anthrocon
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📈 An absolutely RECORD-BREAKING year! #Anthrocon2024 🤯 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 🐾 Attendance: 17,639 🐶💰 Charity Donation: Over $100,000 (by attendees)! 🚶😺 Fursuit Parade: 3371 🖼️ Covered sticker boards and 6 foot pizza boxes: ✅ See you next year on July 3-6, 2025 for "Deep Sea Adventures"!
Been hanging out with several friends this afternoon and that's been really nice overall! #Anthrocon
It may be the afternoon, but I am again clean and ready to enjoy the rest of the day, including seeing lots of wonderful furries! Hope the rest of y'all are having an absolutely lovely time so far and continue to! #Anthrocon
Shoutout to everyone involved with Anthrocon's first puppet slam! That was one of the most entertaining panels ever and your puppets are super adorable too! #Anthrocon
I will scan this later, but I got another wonderful Mello sketch from, this time asking her to go all out with circus imagery like from her adorable comic that you should definitely check out! Mello is such a happy goof here in the best way possible! #Anthrocon
I've met up with multiple super friends of mine today, so that's been really nice! Many wonderful and friendly beans out there in the world who make me happy to come to awesome furry conventions. #Anthrocon
Those random moments at a furry convention where you can't tell if a bird flew inside the building or if an avian furry is instead being really convincing. #Anthrocon
🎼 I am fine all alone 🎼 But when I leave my house, I become a 🎼 Big dumb idiot in front of other people 🎼 A giant stupid piece of shit in front of other people I apologize to anyone who ever sees my anxious ass say something awkward and then worry about it for no apparent reason.
Baseball game attendees try not to mass-gather on the middle of a busy street challenge. #Anthrocon
Talking with random people at Anthrocon and in the city reminds me why I consider myself more of an extrovert (albeit an anxious one) rather than an introvert, and in a very good way! Lots of really awesome people around here! #Anthrocon
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