
My people have no word for goodbye. The closest we have is ᏗᏓᏲᎵᎲ ᏛᎦᎴᏂᏍᎬ, which roughly means "I will see you again at some point in the future." The fates of all people are joined together like the reeds of a basket, and we see each other again and again through our lives.
Likewise, I do not intend this to be me leaving from this site forever. I will be back at some point, when people can be a bit more sane, but right now I can tell there's going to be a lot of evil on here and I don't want any part in it. So, I say to all of you: didayolihv dvgalenisgv!
I had a difficult time processing all of this at the office today, and your writing genuinely helped. May it never come to a hundredth of what some of us have already had to endure! I hope we'll cross paths again sometime.