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minneapolis-based tinkerer
Reposted byAvatar mesh
Reposted byAvatar mesh
Clean yo' storm drains! 🚨You can also adopt one via the Adopt-a-Drain Minnesota🚨 Keeping storm drains clear reduces street flooding and keeps pollution out of rivers and lakes.
Flash flood in Longfellow, Minneapolis. Shout out to my neighbors for clearing the storm drains so all this water is gone already
Adopt-a-Drain -
Flash flood in Longfellow, Minneapolis. Shout out to my neighbors for clearing the storm drains so all this water is gone already
Just got a new bigger canner. Time to make some jams to enter in the state fair competitions
Reposted byAvatar mesh
Saw this on mastodon and it is fantastic. AI in medicine
I thought this was about minneapolis at first
ANDREA JENKINS GONE Couldn't happen to a more deserving person
South Minneapolis political achievement unlocked: I canvassed historic Milwaukee Ave (for Ilhan, be sure to vote in the primary August 13)
Avatar just published a manifesto in ACM's student magazine. Very cool seeing all these threads of radical thought and tech critique being tied together, especially in this kind of publication
Reposted byAvatar mesh
LPL has a new article about social justice and tech and abolition. We spent a lot of time on it and tried to draw on critical theory and from Black ecologists, anarchism theorists etc. We hope you all like it and share it
I'm working on a digital security training for organizers, trying to help folks actually make informed decisions about risks instead of just yelling about encryption. Does this seem like a reasonable concise model for typical cloud services?
will a new job at a place with an upsurge of worker organizing activity fix me?
I didn't believe it so I had to check. Over the years Redbox has been owned by: McDonald's, Coinstar, a private equity company, a SPAC, and chicken soup
If you gave me infinite guesses on who owns those Redbox DVD rentals I wouldn’t have gotten it
Between people's pride yesterday and southside shtetl today I have acquired a lot of cool art things this weekend
Reposted byAvatar mesh
We really needed this train
Enjoyed this piece on the golden era of CD-ROMs. A whole other article could be written on desktop publishing during this time, I remember growing up we had a copy of Print Shop Deluxe that came with 10 CDs of clip art
The short, happy reign of CD-ROM - Fast In 1994, multimedia discs—from encyclopedias to magazines—flooded the market, and felt like the future. It was fun while it lasted.
well it finally happened, someone's offering up weed plants in the neighborhood buy nothing group
Reposted byAvatar mesh
I love that you can stand on a bridge connecting Minneapolis and St. Paul and get the most gorgeous, serene views. Major city to the left, major city to the right, but you'd never know it from right here.
Taking advantage of driving to Chicago by bringing a bunch of houseplants to trade with my mom and sister
Reposted byAvatar mesh
"Biking report from someone who actually bikes as primary transport" The idea that Minneapolis is "bike friendly" is still a giant crock of shit 10 miles today: -2 construction crews, 1 delivery truck, 1 personal van, 1 parked car, 1 car fucking driving in protected bike lanes - Almost killed once
fuck. half a mile from the 3rd precinct
Unicorn Riot, CWM, and Councilmember Jason Chavez are saying there may have been an MPD-involved shooting this evening at 34th and Hiawatha in the Longfellow neighborhood. No Blue Line service between Franklin and 46th while investigation underway. Use Routes 7, 9, and 22 as alternatives.
My unpopular urbanist opinion is that the only thing wrong with "hit by a car" is that it happened, not the phrasing
I get the concept of “once you see, you can’t unsee,” but some of you have started scouring every headline for passive voice the way transphobes scour photos looking for spinal curvature and chin width, and I’m not sure it’s really helping anything.
It's the time of the year when I think about my favorite NYT cooking comment
Touching Sweetgrass
Reposted byAvatar mesh
The MOVE Bombing happened on May 13, 1985. Philadelphia police dropped two bombs on residential homes that killed MOVE members and their children. 61 homes were burned or destroyed and at least 250 people were left homeless.
Reposted byAvatar mesh
Colors of an aurora depend not only on which element is emitting light, but also on *where* it is. Oxygen at high altitudes glows red; at lower altitudes it glows green. Purple nitrogen is lower still. Weird, right? 🧪
Friends School plant sale was a success. Got grape vines for the trellis wall I just built and more veggies than I have space for. Now to move two yards of soil into these raised beds so I can plant everything
My #thingThursday is this original newspaper ad from 1893 for an electric belt that claims to cure you of everything including epilepsy, "throat troubles", "torpid liver," and of course "female weakness." I finally cut a custom mat for it so now I get to hang it up somewhere
After three separate trips to the Hub I finally managed to switch out the handlebars on my single speed. I am giddy about the matching bar tape and brake cable housing
Reposted byAvatar mesh
My reunion friends group text turned into an organizing thread and I wrote a letter to the administration that a few others cosigned. There are opportunities to show up and speak out wherever you are.
There's been so much happening with campus crackdowns on Palestine protests, I just yesterday heard how horribly my alma mater's been handling it. Solidarity with the everyone in St. Louis fighting for a free Palestine
SIUE Professor Hospitalized After Arrest at Wash Steve Tamari said he was “body slammed and crushed” and then dragged across campus