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UNITE HERE Local 17 | Pig's Eye, MN | Top Composter In My Zip Code

DMs on Signal: derzquist.12
We really needed this rain
We really needed this rain
Reposted byAvatar Anders❗
i keep seeing videos of people acting shitty in public where a top comment is something like “wonder who they voted for 🙄.” i honestly think a winning message for Dems is just “aren’t you sick of these fucking people”
Reposted byAvatar Anders❗
I know a lot of people look forward to this particular concert every summer, so I'm real sorry to share that it isn't gonna happen this year. We wish it could, but the bottom line is that we're union, and we don't cross picket lines. Please support your Mpls parks workers!
Reposted byAvatar Anders❗
Bluesky will never be great until we post a football culture into existence
Say what you will of LCMS, yet my pastor neighbor and his household are blasting live piano & family vocals from across the street all summer long
Happy Vicksburg Victory Day!! The Civil War Era should be studied & celebrated (warts & all) by leftists in the US as an period that made amazing advances in human liberty while also involving betrayals of the same principles.
Reposted byAvatar Anders❗
The annual Welsh dance performance on Hague Ave in St Paul
Happy July 3 to all who celebrate!!
Reposted byAvatar Anders❗
Reposted byAvatar Anders❗
Correct. A prudent, law-abiding President who appoints qualified agency personnel to enact thoughtful regulations is going to see their agenda inevitably fail. A malicious, arbitrary President who runs around barking illegal commands at people will be rewarded.
So based on decisions from just this week, the President, as long has he has the gloss of officialdom, can basically do anything without legal restraint, whereas the President, acting via duly appointed agencies authorized by Congress, is more restrained than ever? What a coherent jurisprudence!
Borealis between Chicago & Milwaukee is completely full on a Monday! This line needs triple the daily service it currently has!
Reposted byAvatar Anders❗
Just to point out the obvious: the Emancipation Proclamation was unconstitutional. Sometimes it’s ok to break rules to do what’s right, is the point.
Does anyone have the clip where Richard Gere tells the story of some European director who explained to him that An Officer And A Gentleman was fascist because the ending was a man in uniform entering a factory to whisk a woman away while workers cheered?
Reposted byAvatar Anders❗
Reading up on the guy who played Porkins in Star Wars.
Reposted byAvatar Anders❗
We really needed this train
Reposted byAvatar Anders❗
Train time! 🚆St Paul, MN 🛤️ 🛤️ 🛤️ 🛤️ 🛤️ 🛤️ 🛤️ 🚆Sturtevant, WI
Train time! 🚆St Paul, MN 🛤️ 🛤️ 🛤️ 🛤️ 🛤️ 🛤️ 🛤️ 🚆Sturtevant, WI
Reposted byAvatar Anders❗
From earlier this week: Brilliant sunrise sky over downtown St. Paul and the Mississippi River, as seen from the High Bridge
Reposted byAvatar Anders❗
Saint Paul BlueSky! Be on the lookout for my friend Bennett's dog Rocky, who escaped around the Capitol/Cathedral Hill/Frogtown last night. Super friendly and comes when called.
We really needed this rain
We really needed this rain
Comparing the current US to the gerontocracy of the late USSR is completely unfair; the average age of the Politburo in its final years was a full decade younger than the average age of the current two major candidates
Reposted byAvatar Anders❗
Mississippi River in major flood stage this afternoon at Harriet Island and along Shepard/Warner Road near downtown St. Paul The river is forecast to rise about another 18 inches before cresting over the weekend
Hope y'all enjoyed watching the debates. I got to spend the evening listening to victorious union workers give inspiring speeches about changing an industry while Prove It All Night played in the bar