
The problem, as always, is that the U.S. system is uniquely bad among wealthy democracies.
The people pointing out that nobody can do anything unless Biden decides for himself to step aside are 100% correct. That's the problem.
Other wealthy democracies: Bad leader? Have a vote of no confidence and toss them out. U.S.: You're stuck with this guy for at least four years no matter what. It's called freedom.
A vote of no confidence kicks out a government and *usually* triggers an election, so, little bit different than what you're thinking. Leader stays in place. A leadership review can, at least here, remove a party leader and trigger a new leadership race. Closer to what you'd have in mind, I think?
Also, has any PM anywhere ever been reelected immediately after losing a no confidence vote? I don't know of an example.
I don't know of one off hand - mostly because the other parties would be stupid to force the election if things were likely to work out that way. But they'd be running because there'd be no way for them to not be, and the voters would have that option.
Since we agree a reelected PM is at best extremely rare if not unprecedented... I think we can also agree that early elections after a no confidence vote are basically a guarantee of leadership change
Which, again, isn't much of an answer in the Biden v Trump environment.
Can't speak for Matt. But, would depend on the system. Most places allow just replacement; some require an election. Don't recall anymore which :/ In the former, Dems could have revolted two+ years ago and replaced Biden with a younger option and then waited out the election clock