
One consequence of the SC ruling on homelessness is that it further centers jails (esp rural jails) as THE social service provider in communities. That's... bad. AND it means that sheriffs make policy decisions abt who gets these services. Their individual attitudes matter for these decisions:
Public Officials and a “Private” Matter: Attitudes and Policies in the County Sheriff Office Regarding Violence Against Women* Objective This article examines sheriffs’ attitudes and their offices’ policies concerning violence against women and assesses the connection between their attitudes and policies. Methods Using da...
I wouldn't confidently call it a *primary* driver of these moves but I think we really need to be hammering also that because police and prison budgets are beyond scrutiny, finding reasons to juice them creates huge opportunities for grift from service providers
The sheriff is always buddies with the guy who got the food supply contract and is used to being taken to NFL games by guys selling new advanced security systems