
Yes, he forced a 12 yr old to perform sex acts for him with another underage child. MSM should be talking about this. But they’re ignoring it. Let’s not make them ignore it. I posted the document link on my feed. You can check it out. It’s 6 pages.
I read this whole years years ago, so it's been out there all along, sitting at the bottom of a mountain of depraved crimes Trump has committed and never been charged with. But I wonder what happened to those little girls who are adults now.
What comes to light is that prosecutors feared locking up Epstein so much, they bullied the victims into getting them to believe that *they* committed the crime of prostitution, ignoring what both Epstein & IQ45 did to them when they were girls of 12/13. Dersch/Acosta feared Epstein we know why.
DOJ, do your job !!!