
Yes, he forced a 12 yr old to perform sex acts for him with another underage child. MSM should be talking about this. But they’re ignoring it. Let’s not make them ignore it. I posted the document link on my feed. You can check it out. It’s 6 pages.
Why isn’t this on the news? Who cares about Biden’s debate performance when this is out there?
They did a press conference in 2016. Katie Johnson hired Gloria Allred’s daughter to represent her. She immediately got death threats, her family got death threats, and they all backed down. It was all over the news then. Right around the same time as the bus pussy statements.
Ah. Makes sense. It’s unbelievable and so sad. I was talking about the election with someone and they said, “someone wants him in power pretty badly”. Meaning there is a lot of money and power making that moron move forward.
We’re all being hoodwinked and bamboozled.
Mandatory reading, with a bullhorn, at every Trump event.
I read this whole years years ago, so it's been out there all along, sitting at the bottom of a mountain of depraved crimes Trump has committed and never been charged with. But I wonder what happened to those little girls who are adults now.
What comes to light is that prosecutors feared locking up Epstein so much, they bullied the victims into getting them to believe that *they* committed the crime of prostitution, ignoring what both Epstein & IQ45 did to them when they were girls of 12/13. Dersch/Acosta feared Epstein we know why.
DOJ, do your job !!!
I saw that last night on Bsky. Can you give us where the legal perspective occurred please. Surely should be made public. Clearly; trump is Evil to the rotten core.
You can Google info about the newly released papers. But what’s most important is that Epstein (& IQ 45) during the testimony of the victims, prosecutors threatened them via questions about if they understood they engaged in prostitution. The state feared prosecuting Epstein. You know why.
Ohh. So there are people in NY who are clearly guilty, (of raping children), & feared they themselves would be revealed. Now we know why Epstein died “”by suicide”” in jail. They did not want to be named. They had him killed by a guard. Made big bucks if true? 1 hit, $1 million tax free! Easy!
10 Billionaires, $100,000 each. Pocket change to Billionaires. 20 Billionaires $100,000; 2 million tax free. Guard retires with $2 million. Retires early. 🤷‍♂️🕵️‍♂️
I’m sorry I read it. It’s so disturbing. It needs to be released and read out loud at church.
This is just a little bit of it.
I could tell you stories
Being from NYC, I have stories and have heard so many stories.
The definition of "Mainstream Media" is a media organization owned and/or run and/or financed by a MAGAt.
Hey NYTs, WaPo!!
Sexual child abuse, a pedophile, is a specialist in abusing the most vulnerable of all: children. I recommend castration
The sad, sad fact remains that 90-95% of mainstream Media are owned and run by billionaires, and thus reflects the billionaire viewpoint. That's why those pesky FCC rules about preventing media saturation had to be done away with.
They should be talking about Media luring the victims, the entire #trafficking business of the Grump/Putin family and Bill Barr's massive involvement in killing both the Mueller Russia investigation & the Epstein case.
#Barr Killing investigations is his speciality.
Johnson, she said she did not know who Trump was at the time of the alleged attack but identified him later when she saw him on television. It is not known why she withdrew the lawsuit. She has not spoken publicly and withdrew her rape allegation since then. He has lots of allegation's with no proof
It is public information why the lawsuits were withdrawn. Most importantly it’s already been proven in court he’s a rapist. Since you’re covering for Jeffrey Epstein and TFG, you should be ashamed of yourself. And, you and your two followers should
Yes, famous, wealthy people attract false accusations and lawsuits. But given that, has anyone compared the sheer NUMBER of sexual assault allegations against Trump compared to anyone of similar wealth? (sigh)
It is shifty looking becuase Trump banned Epstein in 2007 thus, there was not credibility to the accuser. Further she kept mentioning Ivanka. When it was Tiffany that was closer to her age in other pages of the report. I guess accuser forgot about Tiffany
The accuser, didn't surface until 2016. The problem with the investigations, is the women kept referring to Ivanka Trump when she would have been 26 a the time. Tiffany Trump was 14 in 2007 when Trump formally banned Epstein form his resorts due to his grooming teenage girls.
The problems: they were bullied, threatened along w/ their families if they said anything. Prosecutors were afraid of Epstein cuz they took part, so they let him do whatever the hell he wanted. TFG knew Epstein for decades & exposed his kids to him. Melania knew abt Epstein & so did Roger Stone.
Just seems as if American Conservatives are absolutely full of it and they never cared about "grooming" in the first place.
Say... How regularly do we know Trump was calling Epstein? Oh... That much? And those calls coincide with calls by Epstein to young women in his "stable" you say? But SUDDENLY Trump decides Epstein wasn't cool in 2007? Seems odd, no? Wait... Acosta was in Trump's cabinet? Barr at DoJ?