
Interesting article to run prior to a weekend where we expect a devastating heat wave and label it as “climate solutions”
Cutting the defense budget would be a more effective solution than cutting off home AC.
You mean daily bombing isn’t good for the ecosystem? Whoda thunk it.
That’s the tip of the iceberg. It’s the fuel guzzled by military machinery and vehicles. It’s the dump of chemicals into oceans. It’s the burn pits. It’s the fouling of ground water. It’s weapons testing. Etc. Etc. But yeah, daily bombing is the obvious threat.
The point, for me is, the bosses want to put all the responsibility for ending the climate crisis on us, instead of where it belongs. So we all have to save these articles & show them when they try to gas light us.
I'd save these articles to put it by the Pyre they're gonna burn to death on.
Much of the budget goes towards private mercenary companies, which are not only more expensive than our actual military personnel, but whose environmental records are even worse and often much less transparent.
Hey, it’s one of my local jets! If I stand under the flight path maybe I can catch a little breeze, which would be nice since I don’t have AC at all. [it’s not hot here currently but hot days are coming & I dread them]
The reason the US defense budget keep ballooning like it does is because it's used as a slush fund by various cronies, and doesn't even have to reveal how it it all spent.